Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Adelaide is sure growing fast and she looks different from the time she was born. I am going to meet her in person soon. My folks are going to leave Vancouver Friday afternoon. They plan to split the driving into 2 1/2 days so that they can have frequent stops to take Adelaide out of her car seat. They will arrive Edmonton Sunday night. I may not see them until Monday depending on the time they get home. Emily, Peter and Adelaide will stay till the following Saturday. I am sure the week will go by really fast.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

It is a Girl!

As of last evening, I am officially an uncle. Isn't Adelaide beautiful? I look forward to meeting her when Emily and Peter bring her home to visit around the end of this month.

While Emily was pregnant, she looked like she had a watermelon or football in her tummy. Many people predicted that she was going to have a boy because she carried the baby all in front of her. It was interesting that both Chinese and Caucasian people offered the same prediction. We are happy it is a girl and she is healthy.