Sunday, November 18, 2007


My mom will be taking me to Hawaii in a few days. I don't have a clue about what is going to happen as my mom is not able to make me understand her. She has been telling me about ship, shows and airplane. I know these words, but I don't know what she is trying to explain to me.

Apparently, my mom paid $545 per person for a 10-day cruise - a very good deal! The airfare she paid was $630 per person. A couple of weeks after she made all the bookings, Air Canada had a better seat sale of $503. Well, my mom knows she can't win everything and she is happy with what we've got.

Monday, November 12, 2007


My mom's friend invited us to a dinner and dance last Saturday. It was sponsored by a group called Il Sorriso Degli Innocenti (The Smile of the Innocents) - a non-profit organization which raises funds to support individuals with disabilities. These wonderful people make the world a better place for us because of their love.

We had a great time! I focused my attention on the music for the entire evening. I got out to dance periodically, but I was not as enthusiastic in my dancing as usual. My mom was unclear if I was being shy, or if I was too distracted by being in a new surrounding.

Since we came home, I have been putting music on and dance. I said to my mom, "Twist." and invited her to join me.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

All Done

My mom had very little sleep last night. She planned to give me my flu shot after I fell asleep. She waited till I was snoring before approaching me. However, as soon as she touched me I woke up. I had a feeling that she was up to no good, so I was on guard for every little move she made. She waited and tried. She waited again and tried. This went on for hours.

I have limited speech and I generally do not use my words unless I was prompted to do so. But, I was motivated last night and I said to my mom, "All done!" This was my way of telling her to stop whatever she was trying to do to me.

Finally, at 4:30 am. my mom gave up. She waited no more and proceeded to give me my shot while I struggled. She was really fast and in a flash the needle was in. It didn't hurt that much, so I stopped fighting with her. I calmed down when she told me, "All done!" She covered me up and kissed me good-night.

My mom had to go to work in the morning, so she was only able to sleep for a couple of hours.