Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Extreme Heat

I have talked about extreme cold in Edmonton. Now, it is time to talk about extreme heat . . . . .

My mom’s hot flushes make the heat unbearable for her at times. Her glasses steam up and sweats pour out of her. She cannot understand how anybody can wear sweaters and jackets in such hot weather. Yet, an amazingly large number of people she meets on the street wear thick and dark color clothing.

My mom and sister continue to “steal” wireless internet, but are getting less successful with it. As a result, my mom cannot post notes on a regular basis. Over the past few days, my grandma, mom and sister have been meeting with different family/friends each day.

My sister bought two cell phones and had been to the store in Mong Kok almost daily to exchange them because something was wrong. She is now very familiar with the streets in Mong Kok.

The application for visas to enter China is successful and they can enter China two times. They signed up for a short trip to China simply for meeting the requirement of visa application. The trip can be cancelled if not enough people sign up for it. They are hoping for cancellation of the trip so that they can go to Quangzhou on their own to visit my mom’s cousins. They will know two days before departure date (May 14).

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