Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hong Kong

My grandma, mom and sister are in Hong Kong now. I am not aware they are gone yet. I will soon start to notice they are missing.

My mom and sister are really happy that someone suggested taking their laptop to Hong Kong. They are able to "steal" wireless internet and be able to stay connected with family and friends in Canada.

They went to apply for visa to enter China. That turned out to be quite an ordeal. They wanted to apply for a multiple entry visa because they planned to visit family in Quangzhou and to take a couple of tours to China. They were told that only one entry visa will be approved. They could not get a visa to go to Quangzhou to visit family. Visa will only be issued to visit immediate family and a land title document is required for the application. They went to a travel agent to sign up for a tour so that they could obtain the required documents to apply for visa. The travel agent cautioned them that there is no guarantee visa will be approved. In the event that the visa application is not successful, they cannot get a refund on the tour. What a dilemma! They signed up for the lowest price they could get so as not to risk losing too much money. They proceeded to apply for visa and was asked if they would like one entry or two entries. Isn't it interesting that they got different information each time.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


A few days ago, the weather was nice enough for mom to take me out on my buddy bike. She was hoping that she could take me out a few more times before she leaves for Hong Kong this coming weekend. It was totally unexpected for mom to be shoveling snow for hours over the past two days. At some spots of our parking lot, the snow was knee high.

My grandma, mom and sister will be going to Hong Kong for about seven weeks. They will be taking a couple of tours to China and a tour to Taipei. They will return to Vancouver on June 18 to look for an apartment for my sister who has accepted a job offer and will start working in July. I won't be going because it will be difficult for my mom to manage my care for such a long period of time in many different locations. She started to tell me about leaving for Hong Kong, but I do not understand what she tries to tell me.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I have a new stereo system in my room. All I want to do is to stay in my room to listen to music and to play with all the different buttons to figure out what they are for. Honestly, I don't want to go anywhere.

This afternoon my mom took me out on my buddy bike. My mom was all prepared as she knew I would be reluctant. She has a bowl of strawberries and ice cream on the bike waiting for me. When I heard her say "ice cream", I went along. There were more strawberries than ice cream. I wished it was the other way around - more ice cream and less strawberries.

As soon as I finished my snack, I said "music" and I turned the steering wheel around toward home. Since I was motivated to go home, I helped in peddling and we got home fast.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cool, Calm and Collected

My sister's friend is coming to spend a few days with us. He will arrive tomorrow night. . . . .

My sister has been in a frenzy cleaning up her room. . . . .

My mom is in a frenzy baking. There is a dozen yummy muffins sitting the freezer already. She will be baking again tomorrow. It will either be zucchini chocolate cake, or carrot cake. I vote for both. . . . .

I am the only one who can remain cool, calm and collected.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Letters of Support

My mom has been contacting as many people as possible to obtain letters of support for the non-commercial ethnic community radio. The instructions she sent out are as follows:

"Please send your support letter as soon as possible to the CRTC in ONLY ONE of the following formats:

1. By internet (go to and follow the instructions as per below) or visit
* - click on "English"
* Click on "Public Proceedings" at the top banner
* Scroll to and click "Broadcasting and Telecom Interventions/Comments forms"
* Scroll down to Notice and click "2008-2"
* Check off 200707383 CIAM Media Broadcasting Association. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "next"
* My comments are in: choose . . . support
* Write a brief comment: "Please be informed that I am in favor of CIAM Media Broadcasting Associaton's (CJAO FM) broadcast application to start a non-commercial ethnic community FM station in Edmonton, AB on FM frequency 107.3 MHz." Click "next"
* Under oral hearing mark off "do not want to appear". Click "next"
* Fill in the information and IMPORTANT! Remember to check off "I will also be sending a copy of my comments to the applicant." Click "next"
* Last, but not least, click "Submit"

2. By mail: CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2

3. By fax at 819-994-0218

If you choose to send by mail or fax, a copy of your support letter must be sent to CIAM Media either by e-mail, or fax 780-927-2427, or by mail to 9210 - 95 Avenue, NW Edmonton, AB., T6C 1Z7. Please follow the endorsed template letter. Please don't hesitate to give us a call at 1-866-927-2426 for further assistance."

The following is a sample support letter:


Dear Sirs,

CIAM Media Broadcasting Association, AB, Application #2007-0738-3 (Non-commercial Ethnic Community Radio for Edmonton, AB.

Please be informed that I am in favor of this broadcast application for Edmonton AB on FM frequency 107.3 MHz.


Full Address: