Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Healing Connections

Grandma attended the Healing Connections program this afternoon. There were education sessions led by nursing, PT and OT. The physiotherapist measured the range of motions of Grandma's shoulders. She pointed out how to do the exercises correctly. For example, when Grandma raises her arms above her head, she should be using her shoulders and not arching her back to get her arms up.

One of the sessions was in a support group format. Each woman had a chance to share their stories. Most of the participants were newly diagnosed and had surgery within the last few weeks. The two facilitators were Breast Cancer survivors. There were tears as well as laughters.

A lady there had her surgery one week earlier than Grandma. Her drains are still in. She asked if it is normal for her drains to be in for so long. The nurse stated that it is and that some women have theirs in for as long as 6 - 8 weeks. I certainly hope that Grandma's drains do not have to stay in that long. Grandma is more comfortable today and thinks that the removal of the steri-strips has made a difference. Just imagine how much the removal of her drains will help in enhancing her comfort level.

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