Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Oncology Follow-up Appointment

Grandma had a mammogram test done last week and she saw the cancer specialist at the WW Cross Cancer Institute yesterday morning. Everything is fine and Grandma does not need to see the specialist any more. She was instructed to see her family doctor every 6 months and take yearly mammogram test.

Again, the weather was great for my second Walk for Jesus on Sunday with my other friend. Supports continue to come in and I have now raised a total of $6,120. We walked down the River Valley Trail to the bank of the Saskatchewan River. There were so many canoes on the river that attracted me to lean on the fence to watch them glide downstream. My mom wishes she could take me on a canoe too as a new experience for me.

This week our weather resembles that of Vancouver. It is nice for our lawn to get a good soaking. We just hope that the rain is not here to stay for too long. My mom has been checking the weather forecast regularly. Yesterday, her spirit dampens when she saw that rain is in the forecast for Emily's wedding day. She told Grandma to help in praying for good weather on Emily and Peter's big day. This morning, she is relieved that the rain prediction has disappear.

1 comment:

Emily Harvey said...

Don't pray for the weather to be good or bad. God will provide the perfect weather. The weather will be what we need :) Don't trust the weatherman ;) Trust God :)