Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tour Bus

My mom has been too busy over the past couple of weeks to help me with writing my blog. Or, she was frozen by the lingering extreme cold weather - temperature dropping to as low as -47C with windchill. This week the temperature reaches above freezing. Being warm is not always good. We had freezing rain and the roads became very slippery. Fortunately, the temperature reached about +10C yesterday and melted the ice on sidewalks. With the rapid melting, there are puddles of muddy water everywhere. When they freeze overnight, they become skating rinks.

During one of those cold nights, my mom took me to a special event at the North Edmonton Alliance Church. She thought there would be music for me to enjoy. It turned out we only sang one song. The guest shared her testimony and I didn't understand a word of it. My mom was really impressed that I behaved exceptionally well the whole time. I was not as co-operative the last time we visited this church a few years ago. That time I absolutely refused to stay and we had to leave.

The highlight of that evening was our ride on a luxurious tour bus. My sister volunteers at a children program called Awana at our church (South Edmonton Alliance Church). She needed to use our van, so she dropped us off at the Chinese Multicultural Centre to catch the chartered bus. The bus was quite new and the seats were very comfortable. I loved the ride and I could see so much from sitting up high. The bus ride to and from Chinatown to the church made up for the lack of music.

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