Sunday, July 6, 2008

Emily's Room

Now that Emily has moved out, I get to sleep in her room when I spend Saturday nights at my mom's home. My grandma have forewarned my mom about me getting into Emily's stuff.

Last night, I was thrilled to be allowed into Emily's room. The first thing I saw was the stereo system and I immediately asked for music. Then I saw a whole stack of CD's. My mom tucked me in and I continued to bug my mom for music. Finally, she gave in and look for a CD. She checked every single CD case and all of the CD's were gone (with Emily). She went downstairs to get a tape. My mom had to get up to flip the tape over to play the other side. After she did that a couple of times, she put in a CD.

My mom was beginning to wonder if I would sleep at all with so many things of interest to me. She was glad that at least I was staying in bed (with her repeatedly reminding me to keep my head down on the pillow). There were different gadgets on the floor - some of them with blinking lights. A laptop and a destktop computer were on the table. My mom was checking e-mails and the mouse was so cool. It changed colors from green to purple to blue to red. When the light hit mom's Koala Bear gel wrist rest, the colors shone through it. It was beautiful!

There was also a fan on the desk. My mom had debated whether she should remove or hide it. She decided to leave it to put me to the test. There was so much to see that I either did not even notice the fan or I was not interested in it.

I eventually fell asleep after midnight and I was up before 7 am. My mom persuaded me to go downstairs for breakfast. Since we still had lots of time before leaving for church, my mom allowed me to go back into Emily's room for music. She told me to sit on the bed and I complied. She left the room to go washed up and get dressed. When she returned to the room, I stayed sitting on the bed enjoying music. She praised me profusely and hugged me. My impressive performance is going to guarantee future access to Emily's room.

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