Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sleepless Night

Lately, I have been asking for mai-mai (little sister) on a regular basis. My mom always respond by saying, "Mai-mai is in Vancouver." Today, I have been practicing how to say Vancouver. I was over at my mom's home to sleep over last evening. Mai-mai called and I said "Hi" to her.

My mom was working on the Beraka Residence book-keeping last night. She was so behind in her work that she was relieved when I fell asleep. She was able to balance the books for the budget year 2006, but was shocked to see a hefty deficit for budget year 2007. She was really stressed out and was trying to figure out what went wrong.

I woke up at about 1 am. and wanted to watch the Teacup video. My mom tried to coax me back to sleep while she anxiously reviewed the 2007 invoices and funds received. With my distraction, she couldn't concentrate. So, she gave up at 2 am. and turned the computer and light off.

I stayed awake all night long. Sometimes I laughed out loud while other times I got very agitated. Since my mom was right beside me, she calmed me down whenever I was upset. We got up at 7 am. and, for a change, we were at church really early this morning.

On our way home from church, I started to doze off. It is extremely unusual for me to fall asleep in the car, even when my mom takes me on long driving trips. One time, my mom drove to New York. The whole trip was 12,000 km. and I fell asleep twice during that trip for a total of less than 15 minutes. Today, I slept so soundly that I snored. When we arrived home, my mom didn't have the heart to wake me up. She covered me up with a few afghans and let me sleep longer. After lunch, she put me to bed hoping that I would take a nap. No luck! She came over to my room shortly after 9 pm. to check up on me. I was already half asleep and I went "unconscious" before she left my room. :)

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