Monday, March 9, 2009


Since making the decision to switch the management of my home to a service provider, my mom has been busy with:

* working with the new service provider during the transition. A week after working with one manager, a change of caseload brings us another new manager. This places more demand on my mom's time and energy.

* facilitating a smooth transition and being supportive to our team of staff

* catching up with the administrative work that has piled up on her

* responding to the government's request for a financial review. She has to wrap up the financial records anyway, so it works out well even though the time pressure adds to her stress. Grandma's illness and the many things that happen in my mom's life necessitated postponing the deadline a few times. The financial records are now ready for submission.

My mom has trouble sleeping many nights because of the budget deficit for February. There are surpluses from previous months to cover for the shortfall, but due to her mistrust of the "system", she worries that the funds may not be readily available for the staff's pay cheques. It is too complex for me to explain the situation. She is hoping that it will all work out in the end and that the staff will get paid on time. She has been reassured that funds will be released to cover the deficit after the families submit their February invoices.

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