Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Free Potatoes

Last Saturday, there was a free potato giveaway event in NE Edmonton - 50 lbs. per person. The staff decided to take me and my roommates there as our outing. My mom and Grandma wanted to see what this was all about, so they came along. My mom grew up as a city girl and thought it would be nice to go to a farm. Since we could not fit into one car, my mom drove. It was great for me to spend time with my mom and Grandma going on a long car trip. I giggled and clapped from time to time. Shortly after my mom drove out of town, I said, "Emily." My mom had a feeling that I thought we were heading out to the airport to pick up Emily and Peter.

By the time we got close to the site, there was a long, long line up of cars ahead of us. We inched forward at snail speed. It was a beautiful sunny day and my mom told me she would have taken me out to walk along the road side if she wasn't driving. Grandma got out of our van to walk a bit and she picked up some potatoes from the fields. It took us over two hours to get to the place. By that time, all the potatoes were gone. My mom was disappointed, not because there wasn't any potatoes, but because there wasn't anywhere we could get out to move around for some physical activity. My mom found out from the news that there were over a thousand vehicles crawling along the highway in pursuit of potatoes that day.

Potatoes or no potatoes . . . . . I don't care. I had a good time!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Peter sent the Bomomo link to my mom some time ago. She experimented with it a few times, but she has not let me try it yet. The weather has been so wonderful over the past couple of weeks that she prefers to take me out biking. She knows the balmy weather will not last long.

It rains today, perhaps to my delight, because I don't have to go out on my bike. My mom decides this is the perfect day to expose me to the new experience of Bomomo. I am fascinated by the colors and the movements. I definitely prefer the movements of going in circles to going in straight lines. I just love the spinning movements and, from time to time, I verbalize "turn" and "dum-dum-gin".

I play for over half an hour and my mom wants me to go home because she has work to do. I refuse to leave and she let me play some more before guiding me downstairs, which I comply reluctantly.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hair Cut

Today is another nice day. My mom decided to take advantage of it to cut my hair in our backyard. Cleaning up afterwards is a lot easier when it is done outside. I have come a long way considering the fact that a few years ago, both my mom and myself dreaded having my hair cut. Today, I carried a chair outside and sat patiently waiting for my mom to get all the haircut tools ready. Within minutes, my hair was cut and I look handsome now.

I am sure you cannot imagine what a kerfuffle it used to be when I got my hair cut. Firstly, my mom put a fan right in front of me so that I was willing to sit there. My mom had to do the job really quick, as I won't sit still and I ducked constantly. When I started to get restless, she would light a candle and placed it on the floor to my left. When I turned my head to my left and looked down at the candle, she cut the hair on my right side. Then a candle was lit and placed on the floor to my right. The very last resort was a lantern to keep me entertained till the job is done.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Indian Summer

We have a very nice day today. My mom knows that this kind of weather is not going to last long. She took advantage of the warm sun to enjoy the fresh air outside. She took me for a bike ride in the afternoon. Every time we go out, I am responsible for closing the garage door with the remote control.

Upon our return, I got off the bike and ran towards the garage side door. I wanted to visit with my mom some more before returning to my home. I couldn't get in because the door was locked. I turned to my mom and pointed to the garage door. My mom said, "You can open it. You know how to open it." I walked back and forth in circles between the garage door and my mom at least half a dozen times. My mom just sat there and waited patiently. Eventually, I figured out the solution. I went to the bike's basket to reach for the remote control.

My mom took me out again after supper. She gave me a pile of Emily's thank you cards to mail. With the mails in my hand, I knew my assigned task. After I dropped the thank you cards in the mailbox, my mom proceeded to take me for a walk in the park. However, I kept wanting to cross the road towards our home. Again, my mom allowed me to make choices. With the exception of stopping me from jay-walking, she followed my lead. I walked past my own home and headed straight to my mom's door. I am so happy my mom let me in. I indicated I wanted to watch TV and she put on the Lawrence Welk show for me.