Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I am going to be an uncle in May of next year. Everybody is excited about it, except me because pregnancy is too abstract a concept for me to understand. My mom starts to tell me, "Emily and Peter and baby."; "Baby in Emily's tummy." I imitate and pat my tummy while saying, "baby".

My mom told me she is going to Vancouver to see Emily and Peter. She is not sure if I can understand. Grandma and my mom leave tomorrow morning and will be back on November 9 by Greyhound bus. This is the first time my mom travels by Greyhound. Since this is going to be a long ride, she started a knitting project and this will keep her occupied. Initially, she bought several Chicken Soup for the Soul books for the road. However, she needs to take a camp bed and her laptop. So, she changed her mind about books because they are heavy.

The bruise on Grandma's face is now finally less noticeable. She fell a month ago and hit her forehead. Since she is taking Aspirin, which is a blood thinner, she developed a huge hematoma right away. As the blood drained down her face, she looked like a raccoon for many, many days. She warned my mom not to tell anybody and not to post her picture on the net.

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