Monday, May 25, 2009


My mom was going to take me and Grandma to Vancouver for two weeks leaving on Thursday (May 28). She has been very excited about this trip for some time. Unfortunately, her back has not recovered as much as she'd like to. The CT Scan appointment is not available yet. The nurse estimated that it can be as late as in July or August.

Reluctantly, my mom decides not to take me with her on this trip because she cannot manage caring for me 24 hours a day. This has taken away much of her joy as she struggles with making up her mind. On her bad days, she knows it is wise not to take me. On good days, she becomes optimistic and hopeful that she can manage my care. Since I don't know what is going on, it does not bother me at all. So it appears anyway. It is difficult for others to know how I am affected when my family goes away without me.

My fundraising is expected to slow down for the next couple of weeks during my mom's absence. I have done remarkably well so far and raised $5,320, which is 88.5% of my new goal ($6,000).

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mow Lawn

My mom's back is still bothering her, some days worse than the other. She is now waiting for a CT Scan appointment. She does not want to take a chance of hurting her back, so she got me outside to help her with mowing the lawn.

A couple of years ago, my mom bought a hand mower for me to use. She tried to teach me how to mow the lawn, but I was more interested in pushing it round and round in the parking lot. Let me tell you why. It is much easier pushing it on land than on grass. This year, I must have gotten stronger because I don't mind pushing it on the grass any more. Or, I have gained a better understanding of what the lawn mower is supposed to be for. I stop when I get to the edge of the lawn. My mom shows me how to turn it around to go over another section of the lawn. I have trouble going in a straight line, but that does not matter. I just criss-cross all over the lawn with my mom directing me to areas I have missed. She also helps with the hard-to-reach areas.

I have done such a good job that I get rewarded with ice cream on strawberries. I want the ice cream, but my mom wants me to have the strawberries. After she hands me a bowl of strawberries, I said to her, "ice cream." My mom sure makes me work for my ice cream. With the help of her signs, I said, "I want ice cream please."

Friday, May 15, 2009

Record Breaking

Yesterday, my mom's back was very sore and she was in agony all day long. As a result, she was not able to help me with my blogging. After being in bed for 10 hours, she is feeling better today.

With the help with my mom's signing, I can say "I walk for Jesus" now. I raised $4,780 at my last participation of the Walk for Jesus event. This year I aim at breaking my own record. I have successfully broke my record two days ago by raising $4,940. The Walk is scheduled for June 28, so I still have 6 more weeks to raise funds. I decide to increase my goal to $6,000. Please continue to pray for me and the success of the event.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

My mom's back is getting progressively worse. She can only tolerate sitting for a short period of time. She had to get up from the table half way through supper and finished her meal standing up. She cannot finish this blog in one sitting as she constantly wants to crawl into bed.

Tomorrow morning, my mom will make an appointment to see her doctor. She needs to get better soon because she will be taking me and Grandma to Vancouver on May 28 to visit Emily and Peter.

I did not reach my goal today as expected. Nonetheless, I have done well and raised $4,690 (98% of my goal) in 2 1/2 weeks. I only need another $90 to break my own record. I have learned to say "Jesus". When my mom says, "Walk for . . . ", I join in and say, ". . . Jesus".

Friday, May 8, 2009

Back Pain

My mom's back has been bothering her for some time. It gets worse in the evening when she is tired. She didn't really do anything drastic that injured her back. But she has been moving furniture, carrying heavy stuff, and sometimes I "wrestle" with her when I decide not to comply.

Yesterday, my mom's back was so sore that she had to go to bed. She figured it was triggered by fixing the kitchen cabinet door hinges. Half way through the job, she decided to quit to give her back a break and finished the job the next day. She rested a lot today and started to feel better.

The lock to the courtyard was not working properly and the door could not be opened. Since this is a safety issue, she decided to fix it right away. She is not a locksmith. Every time she replaces a lock, she has to screw and unscrew many times before she gets it right. Repetitive movements are challenging for her. At the best of times, this task can trigger pain.

I got curious about what she was doing and I offered my assistance by grabbing the screw driver. With hand over hand assistance, I did some of the screwing for her. It is good that I can help, even if it is only in small ways.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

O Canada

I went over to visit my mom and Grandma after supper. I sang, "O Canada" to prompt my mom to go and practice playing the piano. She is getting better with it now. Last week, she was really struggling because she has forgotten so much.

This morning, my mom took me to see our family doctor for a prescription renewal. I recognized the place and I refused to get out of the van. It took my mom a long time to persuade me to get off and to go inside. I am not as frightened of seeing the doctor as I used to. I was hesitant, but my mom did not need to drag me into the examination room.

I have now raised over $4,500 and reached 95% of my goal. There is a good chance I will reach my goal by the end of this week. I will have to raise my goal soon. Thank you so much for your love and support of me!