Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mow Lawn

My mom's back is still bothering her, some days worse than the other. She is now waiting for a CT Scan appointment. She does not want to take a chance of hurting her back, so she got me outside to help her with mowing the lawn.

A couple of years ago, my mom bought a hand mower for me to use. She tried to teach me how to mow the lawn, but I was more interested in pushing it round and round in the parking lot. Let me tell you why. It is much easier pushing it on land than on grass. This year, I must have gotten stronger because I don't mind pushing it on the grass any more. Or, I have gained a better understanding of what the lawn mower is supposed to be for. I stop when I get to the edge of the lawn. My mom shows me how to turn it around to go over another section of the lawn. I have trouble going in a straight line, but that does not matter. I just criss-cross all over the lawn with my mom directing me to areas I have missed. She also helps with the hard-to-reach areas.

I have done such a good job that I get rewarded with ice cream on strawberries. I want the ice cream, but my mom wants me to have the strawberries. After she hands me a bowl of strawberries, I said to her, "ice cream." My mom sure makes me work for my ice cream. With the help of her signs, I said, "I want ice cream please."

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