Saturday, June 13, 2009

Stanley Park

My mom went to the Stanley Park a few days ago. She walked along the Lost Lagoon for a bit before she headed east into the other part of the park. She found the Rose Garden. There were only a few blooms on the rose bushes. She ventured further and found the Aquarium. She read on the news that a baby whale was born there the day before. My mom then decided to walk towards the Seawall to ensure that she would not get lost in the park. The Seawall goes around the circumference of Stanley Park. The total distance is 9 km. It was not possible for my mom to walk the entire Seawall that evening. It was time (8:30 pm.) to go home when she reached the location of the 9 O'clock Gun.

Peter has offered a few times to take my mom on a tandem bike (front and back seats) to go around the Seawall. My mom does not know how to ride a bike, so she didn't think it would be possible to ride without falling and breaking her bones. Yesterday, Peter proposed to rent a tandem bike again. He was very confident that it would work out fine. My mom was not sure about it at all. At the bike rental store, she looked at the bike and became nervous. Being a risk taker, she decided to give it a try despite having visions of bruises and scraped knees. My mom has wanted to learn how to ride a bike for some time. She even bought protection gears (knee and elbow pads) back home. She wished she had them with her.

Off they went to Stanley Park - Peter and mom on the tandem bike and Emily on her beautiful green bike. My mom hanged onto the handle tightly for her dear life. She didn't really pedaled because she was afraid of going too fast. By the time they reached their first stop, my mom's palms were all red from the pressure of her grip. Gradually, she started to gain some confidence and began to relax. It was an enjoyable ride and she got home in one piece.

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