Monday, June 1, 2009

Saying Farewell

My mom and Grandma left for Vancouver Thursday morning and arrived later that night. Since I did not go along, my mom was able to lie down for a rest whenever her back starts to bother her. My mom is happy that the weather during her stay in Vancouver is going to be good.

The last few days went by really fast and my mom already starts to lament that she will soon be heading home (June 12). She loves Emily and Peter and she always feels sad when it is time to say goodbye to them. She loves me too and she misses me while in Vancouver. It will be nice when all of us can be together. That is going to happen from June 18 to 21 because Emily and Peter comes home to Edmonton for a short visit.

My mom came across the following today:

"Life is a long series of farewells. . . . ." It is true! We always seem to be saying farewell to someone or something. Letting-go skills are high on the scale of life skills."

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