Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tragic Loss

An aunt was killed in a car accident. My mom was in shock and denial for some time before she finally begins to accept the reality. She hasn't been sleeping and is feeling exhausted emotionally and physically. She stayed up most of last night typing a tribute to my aunt. This helps her to cope with the loss. The funeral will be on Saturday. Hopefully, my mom can reach some form of closure and be able to move on.

Starting from tonight, my mom will adhere to her doctor's advice and take a prescribed medication that promotes restorative sleep. She need some good sleep/rest in order to be more functional and productive.

Emily and Peter will be coming home Friday morning. My mom is looking forward to seeing them. This definitely gives her morale a boost. She started her cooking frenzy already. Yesterday she did some baking. Today she shopped for ingredients to make wonton. Stuffed chicken wings will be on this weekend's menu.

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