Thursday, August 27, 2009


I used to have several Lawrence Welk show VHS tapes that I watched regularly. They got so badly overused that Grandma disposed them. Somehow one tape escaped extermination. I have been watching it for a couple of days now. I enjoy it so much that I laugh and clap as I watch the show.

My mom has been taking me out on my buddy bike almost daily. She always has a bowl of ice cream on raspberries waiting for me. That is the only reason I am willing to go on the bike with her.

Today, as we turned the street corner to near the vicinity of the dog statue, I said, "Dog". I feel pretty safe because I have figured out that the dog does not move. My mom is happy that I talk to her. When I saw a windmill, I said, "Windmill". There is a water fountain in somebody's front yard. I stopped and watched it. My mom asked me, "What do you see?" I replied, "Water".

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