Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ice Cream

Yesterday when my mom proposed to take me out on my buddy bike, I said to her, "Ice cream". Her response was, "Sorry, mommy does not have ice cream in the freezer." Well, if she wants me to go on my bike daily, she needs to come up with something more appealing to me than grapes. . . . . Guess what my mom bought today. :)

We have ice cream now, but I haven't got any yet because we didn't go out on my bike today. This afternoon, my mom was struggling with making up her mind. In the end, she decides not to go out due to the extremely hot weather. The heat really gets to her. Tonight, we have a thunder storm and it helps to cool down the house for a good night sleep.

Emily and Peter are going on a camping trip in BC. They have invited my mom to join them for a couple of days. Last night, I was over at my mom's home to sleep over. I was so good that my charm won her over. My mom told me I will be going on a long car ride. She is not sure if I understand what this is all about yet. I will when I see her packing.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Buddy Bike

The weather is gorgeous today, so my mom decided to take me out on my buddy bike this afternoon. She was not sure if I would resist, so she didn't tell me what we were going to do. She handed me a favorite snack as we walked out of the house. Having that to distract my attention, she got me on the bike with no problem.

This is the first time we go out on my bike this year. My mom remembered how reluctant I was last year and that she had to use ice cream to entice me. To her surprise, I actually enjoyed the bike ride today. I giggled as our bike sailed out onto the street. I helped in peddling from time to time.

I saw a small squirrel ran across the street in front of us. My mom stopped peddling so that I could watch the squirrel climb up a tree. One time when we were in Jasper National Park, I saw a squirrel came out from under a rock a few feet from where I was sitting. I jumped up, screamed and ran away. Today, I wasn't afraid because I was sitting high up on my bike and I felt safe.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Leaps and Bounds

Adelaide is sure growing fast. Her weigh-in at the midwife's office around mid-May was 7 lbs. 14 oz. We didn't have a scale at home to weigh her accurately while they were here to visit. She was getting heavier to carry, but we had to wait till her next midwife appointment back in Vancouver to know her exact weight. On May 31, we found out that she weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. The next thing I know, she has gained more weight and was 10 lbs. 5 oz. on June 10. Baby gifts of clothing are coming in and my mom is worried that Adelaide may outgrow some of them before she goes to Vancouver to visit them at the end of July. She hopes that there will be someone we know going to Vancouver soon, so that she can forward the smaller sizes to Adelaide.

My mom went on a shopping spree buying pretty dresses for Adelaide. She took me along one time and I imitated how she looked through the dresses one by one on the rack. Then I started to take some clothes off the rack and restock them on other racks. Instead of stopping me, my mom allowed me the time to hang the clothes back up. That was a very good practice of eye-hand coordination for me. My mom followed me around and placed the clothes back to where they should belong.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Meeting Adelaide

I have finally met Adelaide in person last week. I call her "baby", as Adelaide is too difficult for me to say at this time. I am sure Adelaide's name is on my mom's "to teach" list.

I shy from getting close to Adelaide. I have not shown much interest in her for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I don't know how to interact with babies. I have not had such experience in the past. Secondly, I am a lot more interested in Peter . . . actually, I am more interested in Peter's computer. When I see Peter, I don't call him "Peter". I say "computer" instead. Peter and computer are not separable anyway.

Peter let me watch music videos on his computer. He teaches me how to use a digital camera. And, he sets up Wii Mario Kart for me to play. How can I not be attracted to Peter when I get so much attention from him! I hope he will visit again soon.