Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Meeting Adelaide

I have finally met Adelaide in person last week. I call her "baby", as Adelaide is too difficult for me to say at this time. I am sure Adelaide's name is on my mom's "to teach" list.

I shy from getting close to Adelaide. I have not shown much interest in her for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I don't know how to interact with babies. I have not had such experience in the past. Secondly, I am a lot more interested in Peter . . . actually, I am more interested in Peter's computer. When I see Peter, I don't call him "Peter". I say "computer" instead. Peter and computer are not separable anyway.

Peter let me watch music videos on his computer. He teaches me how to use a digital camera. And, he sets up Wii Mario Kart for me to play. How can I not be attracted to Peter when I get so much attention from him! I hope he will visit again soon.

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