Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Extreme Cold

The forecast for last night's temperature was minus 35 C (not counting windchill). My mom decided she'd better plug in her van to ensure she could start it this morning for work. She goes to the Chinese community footcare clinics on Wednesday mornings. She has lots of equipment to lug along making it difficult to go there by bus.

My mom has not plugged in her van for many, many years. Since the battery is several years old already, she did not want to take a chance of not being able to start the van. When she was ready for bed at 3 am. this morning, she went out to the garage. She could not find the cord from the block heater. She opened the hood and climbed up in front of it. She used a flash light to search everywhere under the hood and could not find it. It was freezing cold, so she gave up and came in to go to bed with a heated up magic bag to thaw herself.

Praise the Lord! The van started instantly this morning.

My mom is tired tonight, so she will be a good girl and go to bed right after publishing this post. It is midnight right now according to our time.

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