Sunday, August 3, 2008


I have been playing Elebits with my mom every day. You can read a previous blog for more information about this game. My mom does not have enough IT or computer game knowledge to help me with explaining it.

I am supposed to shoot the Elebits, but I am more interested in throwing things around, especially shrubs and trees. I throw all the shrubs in sight and have fun doing it. I cannot understand why the trees simply won't budge. I am going to keep trying until I succeed. I am not going to give up because of two reasons. Firstly, I have inherited my mom's stubborn gene. Secondly, she has taught me well in terms of perseverance.

Games can be quite addictive and one can sit and play for hours. However, I am not at risk for addiction. I love the game and I ask for it whenever I visit at my mom's home. I am only interested in playing for a short time. Generally, my mom sets the game time to be 15 minutes. I can now recognize the beeping sound for Times Up. Sometimes, I say "All done!" and turn off the Wii.

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