Thursday, August 21, 2008

Update on Mom's Injuries

My mom sustained shoulder separation from a bike accident five weeks ago. Her shoulder pain has been her focus as the severity of her shoulder pain overshadowed her hand injury. Her shoulder pain is constant while the thumb hurts only when she uses it. Her thumb pain stops her from performing any task that requires the strength of her thumb. She cannot use her left hand to squeeze toothpaste, wipe her glasses, turn door knobs, open caps, pull seat belt out, pick up anything (including light objects), etc.

Yesterday, my mom went to see her doctor and was told she has torn her muscles and tendons of both her shoulder and her thumb. It will take time for them to heal. As my mom reflected on her injuries, she realized that the "googe egg" on the back of her hand was not a bruise, but a hematoma from the thumb injury. No wonder she had no pain on the back of her hand even though it was multi-colored (blue, black and purple).

The thumb has caused a lot of inconvenience for my mom, but she adapts well and she is able to modify how she gets things done. For example, she has trouble with buttoning my pants, so I have now gained two pairs of pants with velcro fastener.

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