Friday, January 30, 2009

Super Paper Mario

It was so nice to have Emily home for one week. She bought a new game called Super Paper Mario and I got to play with her a couple of times. My mom does not know how to play this game. One day, Emily was not home and I asked for it. My mom put the Elebits CD in and I kicked up a big fuss because that was not what I wanted. There was another time I wanted to play and only Grandma was home. She tried to help me, but didn't know how. Both of us got frustrated about it. To resolve the problem, she found an opportunity to hide the remote controls when I was not watching.

Last evening, my mom took me along to drop Emily off at the airport. When I saw the luggage going out to the van, I smiled and said, "tea cup". I honestly thought I was going to Disney again. When Emily said goodbye to me, I turned to my mom and waved goodbye to her.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Peter's Blog

Peter wrote several blogs from January 24 to 26 about our trip to Disney World. He posted many photos of me on my favorite rides. He also included a video of me on the spinning tea cup ride. He did a much better job than my mom in describing the rides and how I enjoyed them. Please feel free to access his blog to view the photos and the video.

Emily enjoyed the Splash Mountain ride and would like me to give it a try. After I got frightened by a few fast and scary rides, Emily, Peter and my mom started to show me the rides (if possible) and they allowed me to decide whether I wanted to go on the ride or not. They took me to a spot where I could see the boat dropped rapidly downstream causing the water to splash. I said no to the ride and they asked me a couple more times to make sure I really meant no. My decision was clearly expressed. They turned me around to look at another section of the same ride. After watching the boats meander slowly forward, I agreed to go on the ride. Emily got excited about my change of mind. Peter is indeed a true friend. He would not allow anyone to cheat me. He turned me around to show me the dropping boat again. I said no and my wish was respected.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fond Memories

I am blessed that Emily and Peter care so much about me. Without them, it would not have been possible for me to go to Disney World. My mom showed me pictures of our trip. It brought back fond memories of my favorite rides. I smiled heartily and my eyes sparkled. As I looked at the pictures, I said, "teacup", "car", "dum-dum-juen (round and round)".

Emily is now in Edmonton visiting us for one week. Tonight is my sleep-over night in her room. My mom put on some Christmas music for me and I am giggling as I listen to the familiar songs.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Sound of Music

I have not written for a while because my mom has been too busy and tired to help me with it. I visit her regularly to listen to music, to feed the fish and occasionally we play Elebits. I have been listening to "The Sound of Music" recently. Tonight I said "Do-Re-Mi" to my mom to let her know that I want to listen to the songs.

Grandma has finished her last radiation treatment on Monday. She hasn't experienced any side effect so far. My mom continues to watch her skin for radiation burn. The doctor told them that the effects of radiation will peak in about 10 days after the end of treatments. Her follow-up appointment will be on July 6. She will have a mammogram done two weeks prior to seeing the doctor.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Radiation Treatments

Grandma is tolerating her radiation treatments well. Her last treatment will be on January 19. There is some swelling in her chest and right upper arm. The doctor told us that the excess fluid will be reabsorbed gradually. Grandma will see the doctor one more time this coming Thursday. The next appointment will be six months later.

Grandma has also tolerated the Tamoxifen well. She will need to take this medication for five years.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Flying Home

We got up at 3:30 am. to go to the airport to catch our flights home. Emily and Peter headed for Vancouver while my mom and I headed for Edmonton. The flight my mom and I was going to catch was moved ahead by an hour to 6 am. We were not notified of the changed schedule. The check-in line was so slow moving that by the time we checked in, it was too late. Emily and Peter were very worried when they departed on their flight home.

We went on the standby list for the morning flight to Chicago so that we could catch our connection flight back to Edmonton. Unfortunately, there was only one seat available. One passenger was very kind and offered her seat to us so that we could catch the flight. However, the United Airline staff told us that it was not allowed. They booked us for the 3:17 pm. flight to Chicago and the 10:30 am. flight to Edmonton. They suggested that we could standby for the 8:00 pm. flight to Edmonton.

Thank God Emily was able to get me a wheelchair making it easier for my mom to manage the next 8 hours at the airport. There are two shuttles connecting the terminal to Gates #1 - 29 and Gates #30 - 49. My mom took me on these two shuttles back and forth to kill time. Every time, she took me onto the first car and placed me directly facing the front window. I loved it and made "wee" and "ooo" sounds. One time, the lady standing next to me chuckled because of my obvious joy. She said, "another Disney ride!" Whenever we were off the shuttle for a while, I would make a request for "toot-toot train".

We were not as lucky at the Chicago airport. There was no wheelchair upon our arrival. My mom tried to get a staff member to help, but she said that was not her job and left. A passenger was very kind and he went to another gate and asked the staff there to call for a wheelchair for me. In the meantime, a dog showed up right next to me. I started to dash off as my mom tried her best to hang onto me. Eventually, the wheelchair arrived and we were taken to the other end of the terminal. We were not allowed to keep the wheelchair. By that time, I was impatient and I didn't want to sit still. My mom took me to walk around, with our belongings in tow. We came across another dog. My mom spotted it right away and directed me toward a different direction. I saw it too, but since my mom was already leading me to the opposite direction, I was able to stay calm.

There was a MacDonald at the airport. My mom bought me some foods there and that kept me contented for a while. My mom was relieved that I was willing to sit with her while waiting to board the 8:00 pm. flight. We arrived home late in the evening. I went to bed at around midnight (2 am. Orlando time). It was a long day for us. What amazes my mom was that even though I didn't have enough sleep the night before, I stayed awake the whole day.

Last Day at Disney

Time flies especially when one is having a good time. I have a great time at the Magic Kingdom Park enjoying my favorite rides over and over again. My folks allow me to choose my rides and the directions I want to go. From time to time, they take me to different rides to offer me new experiences. I get nervous going on unfamiliar rides. They make joyful sounds such as "wee" and "ooo" to illustrate their pleasure in order to help me to relax.

Sunday was our last day at Disney. We were going to head home early so that we could swim at the hotel. I went into the pool twice on this trip. My mom considered it to be remarkable because, for many years, I have refused to go swimming. With the encouragement of Emily and Peter, I was not afraid of submerging myself into the water to pick up pebbles at the bottom of the pool.

We got out of the park and I clearly indicated that I wanted more rides by articulating "tea cup" and pointing toward the park. I am very fortunate that my folks value my opinion and wishes. We returned to the park to go on the rides I desired for.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


We have been heading to the Parks early and coming home late, so I have not been able to write about my days. Today is the last day of our vacation. We decided to sleep in to get some needed rest.

I used to love roller coaster rides, but not any more. I have become very nervous about them. The park I enjoy the most is the Magic Kingdom because it has many rides I like. My favorite ride is the spinning tea cup. The rides I will ask to go on include Dumbo, Carousel, Speedway (racecar), Orbiter (spaceship), and Small World. Peter took pictures of me on these rides.

Another highlight of this trip is learning how to use a camera. To ask for my camera, I place my fingers in front of my face as if I am taking a picture and say "cheese". My mom is teaching me how to say "camera".

I am all ready to go to the Park. We will depart as soon as Emily and Peter can get out of bed.