Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Hidden Artistic Talent

Each Sunday, I sit with my mom during the Cantonese service. Then I stay in the sanctuary to wait for my sister to arrive. I sit with her during the English service. I behave differently each Sunday. Some days I feel like standing, while other days I don't. If the sermon is too long, I get hungry and cranky. My sister does not like it when I get agitated. She likes it when I am an angel. Get the pun? I am in church and I am an angel!

At church I am always good for my mom, but sometimes I bully my sister. This past Sunday, I was in my best behavior for my sister. I saw her holding the bulletin and a pen. I took them from her and I tried to convince her to help me draw. She drew a family of stick people on the bulletin. I continued to bug her to draw some more. After she helped me with writing "TIM" a few times, she decided to ignore me. I proceeded to entertain myself by drawing hands for the stick people. At the end of the service, I handed the bulletin back to my sister. She must be impressed by my work because she showed it to my mom and suggested posting it on my blog.

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