Thursday, September 27, 2007

Quality of Life

My mom was reading a PDD (Persons with Developmental Disability) brochure on Quality of Life. She was particularly interested in the following statement:

"The biggest problem is transportation, because it affects so much of what you do."

I totally agree with this statement. PDD provides funding to pay my caregivers and a small amount of funds for other costs, such as transportation. Our caregiver is only allowed to claim 15 km. per day to take me and my 2 roommates on community outings.

I understand that we are using public funds and we need to be accountable. What I cannot understand is that not everybody needs to be held accountable. The rules apply to Family Managed Supports, but not to agencies. I know of an individual who is also supported by PDD and she resides in a home managed by an agency. This person recently went out of the province for a vacation and her caregiver can claim mileage. I am not saying my caregiver should also take me out of town and claim mileage. I only want to illustrate the double standard.

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