Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jasper National Park

I went camping at the Jasper National Park with my mom, Emily and Peter. I had a wonderful time. As you can tell from my pictures, I had fun walking on rocks. It sure was good exercise for my balance. There were many other activities I enjoyed during this trip, such as picking up pebbles to throw into water, looking at and listening to the roaring waterfalls, sitting in front of the campfire, and putting logs in the fire to keep it burning. Generally I don't say much, but I was so happy this weekend that I vocalized more than usual and I sang as I listened to my iPod. My cheerful spirit was contagious and I made my folks chuckle on many occasions.

One of the challenges for us was the large number of dogs we encountered. I had to constantly scan the surrounding to make sure I was safe. Peter was on such high alert that when he heard the sound of chains as he walked past a vehicle, he immediately thought of leash and dog. He turned around and sure enough a dog owner was letting his big dog out. After Peter told him about my fear, the dog owner quickly opened his hatchback to shove the dog back into the vehicle and slammed the door shut. The poor dog barely got his feet on the ground and was suddenly pushed back into the car. He probably wondered what on earth was happening.

After we came home from Jasper, I watched suitcases being packed and I was excited to be on the road again. I realized it was not another camping trip when we arrived at the airport and the suitcases disappeared into the terminal with Emily and Peter. I started to say, "mai-mai" (little sister) 2 - 3 times per hour after Emily left.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Update on Mom's Injuries

My mom sustained shoulder separation from a bike accident five weeks ago. Her shoulder pain has been her focus as the severity of her shoulder pain overshadowed her hand injury. Her shoulder pain is constant while the thumb hurts only when she uses it. Her thumb pain stops her from performing any task that requires the strength of her thumb. She cannot use her left hand to squeeze toothpaste, wipe her glasses, turn door knobs, open caps, pull seat belt out, pick up anything (including light objects), etc.

Yesterday, my mom went to see her doctor and was told she has torn her muscles and tendons of both her shoulder and her thumb. It will take time for them to heal. As my mom reflected on her injuries, she realized that the "googe egg" on the back of her hand was not a bruise, but a hematoma from the thumb injury. No wonder she had no pain on the back of her hand even though it was multi-colored (blue, black and purple).

The thumb has caused a lot of inconvenience for my mom, but she adapts well and she is able to modify how she gets things done. For example, she has trouble with buttoning my pants, so I have now gained two pairs of pants with velcro fastener.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I used to enjoy going out, but now I often refuse to go out with my caregivers for walks. In order to stimulate my interest for going out, my mom decided to take me to a laundromat about 6 - 7 blocks from home. With the help of a caregiver, my mom took me out. She told me we were going to see big washers and dryers. I understood the words, but I didn't really know what she meant.

It was like tug-of-war part of the way to our destination. When we eventually arrived at the laundromat, I quickly walked in. I sat and watched the washer contents spin round and round. We stayed for about half an hour. It was another tug-of-war trying to get me home, as I kept wanting to return to the laundromat. We visited the laundromat again the next day. When my mom told me about big washers and dryers, I knew exactly what she meant.

Tonight I refused to go out with my caregivers again. When my mom learned about that, she asked if I wanted to see big washers and dryers. I walked with my mom hand-in-hand to the laundromat. We stayed for about 10 minutes only. I wasn't ready to leave, but I listened. We met 5 dogs on our way home. My mom held my hand and reassured me. I walked on calmly, as my mom redirected my attention to sprinklers and a truck with flashing lights.

I was so well behaved that my mom rewarded me with a small bowl of taro chips and a glass of orange juice after we got home.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I have been playing Elebits with my mom every day. You can read a previous blog for more information about this game. My mom does not have enough IT or computer game knowledge to help me with explaining it.

I am supposed to shoot the Elebits, but I am more interested in throwing things around, especially shrubs and trees. I throw all the shrubs in sight and have fun doing it. I cannot understand why the trees simply won't budge. I am going to keep trying until I succeed. I am not going to give up because of two reasons. Firstly, I have inherited my mom's stubborn gene. Secondly, she has taught me well in terms of perseverance.

Games can be quite addictive and one can sit and play for hours. However, I am not at risk for addiction. I love the game and I ask for it whenever I visit at my mom's home. I am only interested in playing for a short time. Generally, my mom sets the game time to be 15 minutes. I can now recognize the beeping sound for Times Up. Sometimes, I say "All done!" and turn off the Wii.