Wednesday, April 29, 2009


My mom stopped piano lessons before she left for Hong Kong and China last spring. After she returned in the summer, she sustained shoulder separation injury from a bike accident. The shoulder took months to heal. Then Grandma was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in the fall. As a result, she has not resumed piano lessons yet. After not playing for such a long time, she has forgotten what she has learned. This week she started to spend some time each day to relearn the songs she played before. Progress is slow but sure. She is hoping that she will regain her confidence to start taking lessons again in the near future.

Walk for Jesus update - I have raised over $3,500. Thank you again for your love, prayer support and generous donations!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chinese Outreach Ministries

My mom has been kept busy with the Chinese Outreach ministries. So much needs to be done that she wishes she can commit more time and energy in the renovation, open house, preparation for the internet broadcasting, etc. Now her focus is on organizing and promoting the Walk for Jesus event.

It certainly does not help to contract the flu in the midst of multiple responsibilities. In addition to knocking her out for days, the flu has triggered her asthma. Her energy level remains low and she feels exhausted by late afternoon. One evening while being lethargic, she was not motivated to do much. She sat in front of the computer and visited several websites including the Chinese Outreach, CIAM Radio and a few other sites. She came across the CIAM birth story and was very much encouraged by it. God is faithful and He answers prayers.

Last Friday, my mom went to a computer store to purchase the components for building a server for internet broadcasting. One of the components was back ordered and would take two weeks or longer to arrive. My mom placed the order without realizing that the person who can build the server will be away in May. We need all the components this week. My mom prayed, but her faith was smaller than a mustard seed. Indeed God is faithful and He answers prayers. The back ordered part arrived this morning. Instead of two weeks, it only took two working days!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Disabilities vs Capacities

Praise the Lord! As of today, I have raised over $2,000. Thank you for your support. It is your generosity that enables me to be a contributing member of society. What is more important is that you believe in me. You believe that I can do it. Instead of focusing on my disabilities, you see my strengths and capacities. Thank you!

When the focus is on my disabilities, expectations on me becomes low. This can be a barrier for me to learn new skills. My mom encourages me to take responsibilities and to help with various chores. For example, my mom got me to help her with peeling garlic. I dropped garlic peels all over the floor. She told me to pick them up. I quit after I picked up the bigger pieces. She prompted me to continue with picking up the smaller pieces. I have trouble with picking them up because my fine motor skill is not good. I walked over to the kitchen to look around, but could not find what I was looking for. My mom knew I was looking for the broom, but she pretended she didn't know. She was happy that I was trying to problem-solve. She wanted me to use my brain so she didn't jump in and help immediately. My mom urged me to pick up the rest of the garlic peels. I went back to the kitchen again and opened the cupboard underneath the sink. Not there! Eventually my mom suggested that I could go to the washer and dryer to look. I know where the washer and dryer are because they spin and I love them. I found the broom and dustpan near the washer. I proceeded to sweep up the garlic peels and finished the job well with my mom's help.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Appreciation

Supports are coming in right after I sent out the Walk for Jesus information. Within hours, I have raised over $1,600. I appreciate your love and support. I am happy for this opportunity to contribute to the kingdom of God.

The Walk for Jesus event is scheduled for June 28 (Sunday) at 3 pm. My mom decided to hold the event in a mall because there will be other special needs individuals joining me in this meaningful activity. It is easier for families to manage in an indoor environment because we will not need to worry about the weather.

Walk for Jesus

My mom serves at Chinese Outreach, a Christian organization with a radio broadcasting ministry. This year, Chinese Outreach expands its broadcast from 2 1/2 hours per week to 3 hours. A decision has also been made to develop internet broadcasting. It is time for me to Walk for Jesus again to raise funds to support these initiatives.

I am a very successful fundraiser. My very first experience was participating in the Canadian Liver Foundation Stroll for Liver event two years ago. With my mom's support, I was the #1 top individual fundraiser of the event nationally. My mom was so encouraged by my success that she created the First Walk for Jesus event to fundraise for Chinese Outreach and I raised $4,780. This year my goal to break my own record. I need your prayer support for the success of this event. Thank you!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Contributions

It has been two weeks now and my mom has not recovered a 100 percent yet from the flu. Her bones are still aching and her energy level is low. The flu has now triggered her allergic asthma giving her an irritating cough. Being sick forces my mom to slow down and to take rest periods. This give her the time to reflect on what has been happening in our lives.

I am devalued when others view people with disabilities as burden to society. My mom knows this is not right, and yet she finds herself trapped in this inappropriate negativity. She is very thankful that Emily and Peter care so much about me, but is also concerned about me being a burden for them.

It is important for others to keep in mind that I am able to contribute in different ways. I can help people around me to become more loving, caring, patient and compassionate. My mom is proud of her problem solving skills. Little does she know that I am the one who trains her over the years to become who she is today. Caring for me enhances her critical thinking and creativity.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Wedding Bells

Emily and Peter came home to visit over the Easter long weekend. Since they have started to give out their wedding invitations, I can now feel free to talk about their wedding plans. Their wedding will be on July 17 this year.

Both Emily and Peter want to involve me in their wedding ceremony and they desire for me to have an important role - I am going to be the best man! I am blessed that my family believes in me. By giving me the opportunity to take on new responsibilities, it allows me to contribute in meaningful ways.

Whenever we get a chance to be together, Peter makes special efforts to spend time with me and to get to know me. I used to shy away from him, but not any more. I feel very comfortable around him and I know I can trust him.

My mom, Emily and Peter are all sick with flu symptoms. On Sunday morning, I put my hand over my forehead and said, "Hot, hot." My mom was all excited that I could communicate my discomforts. She took my temperature which turned out to be normal. My mom asked me if I have pain. I imitated what she said - "tung-tung". She then asked me where it hurts. I touched my forehead. My mom hopes that I won't get sick.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Making Choices

To help a friend, my mom attended a 3-hour workshop last Saturday to be an observer and wrote a summary report of the event. I am 100% sure that none of you can guess what the workshop was all about. It was a workshop on film-making! As you may know, my mom is not even good in taking pictures. It is really a stretch for her to learn to be a film-maker and/or director. She participated in the activities of the workshop, such as designing how to shoot a scene and how to direct the crew and the actors. All the other participants were young men and women. They must wonder why this old woman wanted to learn how to make a movie.

Saturday nights are my sleep over nights at my mom's home. With movie on her mind, she put on the Sound of Music for me to watch before I went to bed. As soon as I saw Julie Andrews' picture on the cover of the DVD, I said, "Do-Re-Mi". She was really surprised that I already knew what I was about to watch.

I do know a lot more than what I have been given credit for. When others are not cognizant of my capacity and abilities, it is easy for them to set low expectations for me. This becomes a barrier for me to reach my potentials. Very often, I am not allowed to make choices I am capable of. Everything is decided for me for "my own good". I would like you to know that I want to be given the opportunities to make some choices in my life. This is how I will learn and grow.