Saturday, April 25, 2009

Disabilities vs Capacities

Praise the Lord! As of today, I have raised over $2,000. Thank you for your support. It is your generosity that enables me to be a contributing member of society. What is more important is that you believe in me. You believe that I can do it. Instead of focusing on my disabilities, you see my strengths and capacities. Thank you!

When the focus is on my disabilities, expectations on me becomes low. This can be a barrier for me to learn new skills. My mom encourages me to take responsibilities and to help with various chores. For example, my mom got me to help her with peeling garlic. I dropped garlic peels all over the floor. She told me to pick them up. I quit after I picked up the bigger pieces. She prompted me to continue with picking up the smaller pieces. I have trouble with picking them up because my fine motor skill is not good. I walked over to the kitchen to look around, but could not find what I was looking for. My mom knew I was looking for the broom, but she pretended she didn't know. She was happy that I was trying to problem-solve. She wanted me to use my brain so she didn't jump in and help immediately. My mom urged me to pick up the rest of the garlic peels. I went back to the kitchen again and opened the cupboard underneath the sink. Not there! Eventually my mom suggested that I could go to the washer and dryer to look. I know where the washer and dryer are because they spin and I love them. I found the broom and dustpan near the washer. I proceeded to sweep up the garlic peels and finished the job well with my mom's help.

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