Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chinese Outreach Ministries

My mom has been kept busy with the Chinese Outreach ministries. So much needs to be done that she wishes she can commit more time and energy in the renovation, open house, preparation for the internet broadcasting, etc. Now her focus is on organizing and promoting the Walk for Jesus event.

It certainly does not help to contract the flu in the midst of multiple responsibilities. In addition to knocking her out for days, the flu has triggered her asthma. Her energy level remains low and she feels exhausted by late afternoon. One evening while being lethargic, she was not motivated to do much. She sat in front of the computer and visited several websites including the Chinese Outreach, CIAM Radio and a few other sites. She came across the CIAM birth story and was very much encouraged by it. God is faithful and He answers prayers.

Last Friday, my mom went to a computer store to purchase the components for building a server for internet broadcasting. One of the components was back ordered and would take two weeks or longer to arrive. My mom placed the order without realizing that the person who can build the server will be away in May. We need all the components this week. My mom prayed, but her faith was smaller than a mustard seed. Indeed God is faithful and He answers prayers. The back ordered part arrived this morning. Instead of two weeks, it only took two working days!

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