Sunday, October 26, 2008


Based on the markedly reduced frequency of posts, you may have guessed that my mom must be too busy to help me with writing. My grandma noticed a lump in her right breast about a month ago. She went for a mammogram before we left for Vancouver. When my mom saw the mammogram picture, she knew there was a good chance that it was cancer. Biopsies were taken on the same day and the result confirmed the diagnosis of invasive breast cancer which has spread to her lymph nodes.

We returned to Edmonton earlier than planned to see the surgeon. He recommended removal of my grandma's right breast and the lymph nodes under her arm. The tissues will be sent to pathology for analysis, so that the cancer specialist can determine which is the most appropriate treatment following surgery.

My grandma took the bad news well and she has been in good spirits. It is harder for my mom and Emily, as they worry about the pain/discomforts of treatments for grandma. My mom was relieved to hear from the surgeon that my grandma may not need to have chemotherapy and radiation due to her age (80). He thinks that my grandma will be put on hormone therapy. My mom prays that grandma's cancer has a high level of hormone receptors, which will make the tumor more responsive to hormone therapy.

My grandma's surgery will be on October 28 (Tuesday). She will stay in the hospital overnight and come home early Wednesday morning. Her recovery is expected to be about six weeks. The appointment to see the cancer specialist will likely be in early December.

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