Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bumble Bee for Hire

My mom is a hardworking bumble bee. She goes out to the garden every morning to pollenate the zucchini. She transfers the pollen from the male flower to the female flower so that the zucchini will grow. If not pollenated, the zucchini turns yellow and withers.

In order to come up with resources to top up my support workers' salary, she has this creative idea. She plans to put up a sign on our front lawn - Bumble Bee for Hire. Before she does that, she has to decide whether she is going to charge by the flower or by the hour.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sleep Over

Every Saturday night, I sleep over at my mom's home. This makes it easier to get me ready for church Sunday morning. Sometimes I refuse to co-operate and we end up arriving church late.

My mom usually gets up early. She must be tired this morning because she didn't even hear me. I was up for some time and got into a few mishaps before she woke up. Don't panic as there was nothing major. Furthermore, I tried my best to problem solve. For example, I knocked over the vase and spilled some water. I went to the bathroom to grab a towel to wipe the table. I didn't do a good job, of course. Anyway, I tried and it is the effort that counts.

Update on Walk for Jesus fundraising - I have raised $3,450.00.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

2-tiered System

Over the past two years it has been very difficult to hire staff to look after me and my roommates because the salary rate of the support workers are not funded adequately to match the current market rate. We have very few job applicants. My mom practically hires whoever applies, except one . . . . . My mom asked this applicant what she would do if any one of us hit her. We are not violent, but one of my roommates and I sometimes strike out when we get upset or frustrated. Her response was to tie us up and give us medications. The last few staff mom hired did not work out. One came to work with alcohol on her breath. She was really high and she was singing and dancing. I was the only one who enjoyed her presence due to my love for music.

I hear that some families are topping up the staff’s salary out of their own pockets. This means individuals whose families are well off can have staff and possibly better staff to look after them. Individuals from poor families become more disadvantaged. I am one of the lucky ones that my mom is willing to give up her job to manage our home with no pay (even when she works as a staff). She manages the home well so that my roommates and I get quality care. Thank God she has the resources to do this. Other families that wish to do the same may not be able to. However, I don’t think it is a good thing to have a 2-tiered system. It makes families lacking financial resources feel guilty about not being able to top up staff salary or do what my mom is doing. My mom is in a dilemma now - Her current earned income is $80 a week. Should she go back to work so that she has the money to top up my caregivers' wage? She will have to give up managing the Beraka Residence. The trouble is if the care I received previously under the management of an agency was safe and adequate, she would not have chosen to manage this home.

I am getting good care in the expense of my mom. She is often stressed out as a result of the demands and workload. She loves teaching and decided to pursue her master in nursing to better prepare herself in her role as an instructor. Through many years of hard work and juggling between studies, family responsibilities, serving God and earning an income she finally graduated in November 2004. Then she gave up teaching in 2006 because she was not able to cope with the workload of managing the administration of the Beraka Residence. She misses her friends at the Faculty of Nursing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

O Canada

Tonight, my mom came over and said to me, “I am going to play piano. Do you want to come?” I immediately headed off towards the door.

“Come back! Don’t forget to tell someone.” Mom said.

I turned around and told the staff, “I want O Canada.” I think I am finally grasping the idea of how to form a meaningful sentence.

Right after I got into my mom’s home, I sat down in front of the piano. I played CDE EDC CDEDC CCC. My mom guided my fingers to the right keys and I played it perfect once without any help from her. Then she guided my fingers to play the first few notes of O Canada. After that I wanted to play my own music. I played some random notes and then my mom noticed that I was playing Doe, a deer, a female deer (I played this correctly). Ray, a drop of golden sun (The tune was recognizable). Then the rest was kind of hit and miss.


It has rained for several days and I missed my ice cream. When my mom offered to take me out on a bike ride, I readily agreed. My mom is training me to tell someone before I go anywhere. I went to the staff and said, "I want go bike . . . (I don't know how to say ride yet)" I am quite proud I managed to say that because I have only been taught to say, "I want go see Poh Poh (Grandma) please."

We went outside and I looked at my treat. What a disappointment! It wasn't ice cream. It was tomato. I don't know what this kind of tomato is called. It is not cherry tomato. I will call it miniature roma tomato. The red tomato in the picture is 1 1/2 inches long. I was nicely surprised because the tomatoes were yummy. My mom asked for one. I teased her by placing one real close to her mouth and then I quickly retrieved it and put it in my mouth instead.

I peddled about half of the time with minimal prompting from my mom. You might have guessed that there must be dogs out there. You are wrong! There was no dog in sight. My mom kept saying, "Good peddling!"; "Good job!"; "Way to go, Timothy." I could tell she was pleased.

My mom must be impressed by my efforts. When we arrived home, she went inside and got me some ice cream. I had to work for it though. My mom took me out biking the second time. And, being "powered" by the ice cream, I peddled about 70% of the time.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Jesus loves me

My grandma is now in New Jersey visiting my uncle’s family. She called this morning asking my mom to look for a photograph for her. My mom has not looked at the photo albums for a long, long time.

Viewing them brought back a lot of memories. For example, my mom saw my daddy’s pictures without hair. He was diagnosed with cancer when I was 3 years old. My little sister was 6 months old at the time. My daddy went through a major surgery and then several courses of chemotherapy. He passed away when I was 5 years old.

Not all the pictures brought back sad memories. My mom saw pictures of me and my little sister getting baptized on April 15, 2001. That was a happy day for her. I looked very handsome in my grey suit. My sister also looked very nice in her pretty dress. I wish I know how to post those pictures so that you can see the smiles on our faces.

My mom taught me how to say, “Jesus loves me”. She does not know if I understand these words. However, she is certain that God can speak to me in a special way to let me know that He loves me.

Monday, August 20, 2007


It is so easy to take things for granted. For example, think of all of the things you can do, including the activities of daily living. So many of the things you can do just happen “naturally”. Don’t forget to count your blessings, as this is not the case for me most of the time. Even simple tasks, such as putting my socks on (I still cannot put them on right), took months and months of training. I don’t know if I want to count it as my blessing that my mom is a “rehab” nurse. She makes me work as she believes in helping me to reach my maximum potentials and she wants me to be as independent as possible, even though (realistically speaking) I will never be independent.

If you do not understand the meaning of perseverance, you need to come to talk to my mom. She does not give up and that means there is no escaping for me.

Walk for Jesus update - I have raised $3,360.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Buddy Bike

My sister helped me in uploading a picture of my buddy bike so that you can see what it looks like. She refuses to ride on my bike because she does not like attracting attention. It does not bother me a bit because half of the time, I am oblivious to what is happening around me.

In this picture, I had my sister's MP3 in my hand. That is one of the "perks" I get for going on the bike. I have learned that the more resistant I am, the more attractive the perks become.

Alaska Cruise

Since I enjoyed my last cruise so much, my mom started to watch for a cruise deal departing from Vancouver, the closest port from us. We went on an Alaska cruise in May at 73% off.

My mom told me about taking me on a cruise, but I didn't understand her. She tried to explain to me about the ship and shows. I still didn't have a clue what she was talking about. I finally realized what was happening when we were about to board the ship. I started to grin from ear to ear and my eyes must have sparkled. My mom noticed my joy and it made her happy.

I, of course, went to every single show including the comedian talk show. The comedian started the show by singing "Yesterday". My mom's heart sank because, for some odd reason (unknown to her), I don't like that song. I have a Lawrence Welk show video tape. Whenever that song came on, I turned the video off. My mom was relieved that I stayed. I didn't understand a word the comedian said, but I still managed to have lots of fun. When other people laughed, I laughed. When others clapped, I clapped.

I fell in love with a new activity - work out in the exercise room. I went on the treadmill and then the bike because I am familiar with using them from having one of each in my own room at home. Then I got bold and tried other exercise equipment. Since that day, as soon as I woke up, I headed to the cabin door and I told my mom, "Step, step, step."

If you want to see me in action, come to the Jasper Place Sports Centre. I go there a couple of times a week to work out - "step, step, step" I go.

Walk for Jesus update - I have raised $3,260.00.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Bahamas Cruise

Staff shortage at the Beraka Residence has benefited me greatly. Last October, my mom took me and my grandma to New York for 5 weeks because there wasn't enough staff. It was wonderful for me, but not so much for mom as she had to look after me 24/7. To make it worse, I had diarrhea for 3 weeks (Thank God this mishap did not occur during the cruise). It was hard work for my mom and she was greatly stressed by the fear of me soiling other people's properties.

Last summer, a friend of my mom gave her a website (vacationstogo.com) to look up cruise deals. This has greatly enhanced my quality of life as it makes it affordable for me to enjoy a new experience. After we booked our flights to New York, my mom checked online regularly and found this Bahamas cruise for 68% off.

The cruise was my mom's break with no cooking or chores to worry about for 1 week. The ship was beautiful and I just loved it. I added a new word to my vocabulary - show. That definitely was the highlight for me. Can you imagine my delight of watching the fantastic shows of music, singing and dancing?

I giggled aloud in my sleep. The cabin was pitch dark and my mom had to turn on the light to check on me to see what I was up to in the middle of the night. I wasn't up to anything - I was simply happy. As soon as I woke up, I would take my mom by her hand and led her to the cabin door and said, "GO!"

I have nothing to report on with regard to the progress of the Walk for Jesus event. My mom will have to work a little harder on it.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


My mom and I went out for our bike ride again this evening. I helped her much more than usual. I was peddling really hard even when we were going uphill. Based on the title of this blog, you may have guessed the reason. We came across two large dogs, one of them was not even on a leash. I was trying to get away as fast as I could. So, today my mom had it easy for a change.

Update on Walk for Jesus fundraising event - I have raised $3,250.00.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Ice cream

My mom is going to be stressed as one more staff has announced her resignation. I am coping well with the staffing shortage. As a matter of fact, I am thoroughly enjoying this situation. I get to be with mom a lot these days. On Tuesday morning mom took me on an LRT ride. We went from one end (university) to another (Claireview).

I do not enjoy all of the activities my mom offers. An example is going for a bike ride. We have a "buddy bike" (a 2-seater bike). When it was new, I was excited about riding on it. Now, the novelty has worn off and I don't care to go on it any more. My mom uses a variety of strategies to entice me, such as ice cream, mango, MP3. Ice cream has been effective . . . . . I wish mom is more generous with the ice cream. I only get 1/2 scoop at a time. I finish eating it all within half a block. Then I tell my mom, "Go home!" She always responds like this, "We will go around the block and then go home." Going around the block means at least 10 blocks. I peddle some of the time to help her . . . . . only when it goes downhill. Maybe there is a reason for mom to be giving me so little ice cream - I am not exercising enough.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I used to love playing the piano. I played everyday and I could spend over an hour at a time in front of my piano. Then, suddenly, I didn't want to play any more. When my mom opened the piano, I would go and close it. I have not touched my piano for years. My mom was saddened by this change and she wanted to regenerate my interest.

She started taking piano lessons about 3 months ago. This is really tough for her because, unlike me (I have talent in music), she is really "musically challenged". At her last lesson, she did poorly as one week was not enough time for her to practice all the new music. Thank God her piano teacher is busy and gives my mom 2 weeks off. She practices diligently everyday to catch up. She can memorize "O Canada" now.

Initially, I stayed away from the piano when my mom practiced. Gradually, I began to sit in front of the piano and played a few notes with my mom giving me hand-over-hand assistance. One of my mom's first lessons was playing "CDE EDC CDEDC CCC". I love that and I laugh every time the tune is being played. Now when my mom places my fingers over the right keys, I can play it on my own.

Tonight, I got brave and I sat beside my mom as she played "O Canada". She encouraged me to play along with her and I did. I don't know the notes, but I know the rhythm. I know when the song ends. I clapped my hands to encourage her and to cheer her on.

Fundraising update - I have raised $3,120.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Believe in me

My mom believes in me and my abilities. So do many of my relatives and friends.

I have signed up for the "Walk for Jesus" event to fundraise for Chinese Outreach scheduled for September 22, 2007. Chinese Outreach is a Christian organization with a radio broadcast ministry to share the good news with non-believers. I am happy to be a part of this meaningful event as my contribution to the kingdom of God.

As a result of the love and support of many wonderful people in my life, I have now raised $3,100. More donations are coming in and I would like to thank everybody for their support - not only in terms of donations, but also prayers. I will keep you posted about the progress of my fundraising efforts through my blogs.


Beraka is the name of my home, which was suggested by Pastor John Sun. My mom loves this name as it is very meaningful. The following is the explanation of both the Chinese and English names of my home:

The Chinese name (伯樂) sounds like this - Bok Lok. It is the name of a person who has very good knowledge about horses. There is a Chinese saying about this person. (千里馬常有, 伯樂不常有) It says, "There are good horses that can run fast and far. But there aren't that many Bok Lok." It means that there are good horses, but not that many people can recognize their good qualities and be able to appreciate them. Our staff are the "Bok Lok" who can see beyond my disabilities and appreciate how special I am.

The name "Bok Lok" sounds like another Chinese term (different characters with the same pronunciation), which means much happiness. The Beraka Residence (百樂之家) is indeed a happy home filled with laughter.

The English name is Beraka. It is a Hebrew word meaning God's blessing. My home is truly blessed and I am really fortunate to have a team of caring and loving staff to look after me and my two roommates.

There is another word that sounds similar - Bara meaning God's creation. All His creations are good. My roommates and I are created by God. We are good and lovable (when we are good, of course). We know we can be quite challenging at times. It takes a special person to love us and appreciate our goodness. Our staff are the special people who love us and appreciate us the way we are.