Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve

Some of my caregivers are away on vacation making it even more difficult to cover all the shifts. Recently I notice a couple of new faces and I am trying to get used to being helped by them. This afternoon another person comes over for an interview.

There is not enough staff for New Year's day. It is to my delight that I am going to sleep over at mom's home tonight and be with her most of tomorrow. My mom is trying to figure out how to keep me occupied all day long. Stores are not open, so we can't go shopping. It is too cold to fly my kite. . . . . I will wait and see what kind of creative idea my mom comes up with.

My mom has been practicing her piano. She has two weeks off from her lessons. This gives her extra time to practice. She plays her old songs including O Canada. She has not played it for some time as there are so many new songs for her to learn. After hearing O Canada a few times, I start to play it too.

Tonight my mom practices her scales. I love it! I giggle as her fingers move back and forth. She intentionally moves faster and I giggle some more.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Candy Cane Lane

The weather has been mild lately (around freezing). The roads are slushy and our van is really dirty. The windshield has been splashed with mud. The visibility is limited and our windshield wipers are not doing their job well.

My mom decided to take me to Candy Cane Lane tonight. She went out to wash the windshield so that I could have a better view. That wasn't an easy job for her as she is short and our van is high. She climbed up onto the front fender which is coated with a thin layer of ice. Being slippery, she used her left hand to hang on while she stretched and wiped the windshield with her right arm. That was the tricky part because she has right shoulder pain (from old age, you know). She did it and got the windshield and all the windows really clean after washing it the second time. Now we have a dirty van with clean windows.

My mom drove up and down Candy Cane Lane three times for me to take a good look at the lights. It is not cold tonight - our van registered +4 degrees. A lot of people parked and walked. This would not have worked for me because there were dogs everywhere. Had I been on the side walks, I would have dashed faster than the cars. However, there are so many of them, I wouldn't even know which direction to dash.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Due to shortage of staff, I get to spend more time with my mom. I slept over at my mom's home last night and I stayed with her till supper time today. After she tucked me in, she worked on calculating the staff's retention bonus offered by PDD (the government funder). When she was done at around 2 am. she could hear that I was up. She came downstairs and coached me back to sleep. She didn't get back upstairs to her bedroom till 5 am.

After my mom reflected on the course of events, she realized that she could have completely changed the situation if she had been proactive. My sister gave a CD to my mom before she left for Australia. My mom should have put the CD away. The songs are new to me and I have a tendency to fixate on novelties. The music was on when I went to bed and I was happy. My mom removed the CD for fear that I might damage it. I got up in the middle of the night looking for the CD. That was the reason I refused to go back to sleep. Being tired, my mom didn't think of putting the music back on for me.

Today, she took me to a Christmas party at the Alberta Association of Community Living which is an organization that promotes community inclusion. At the end of the party, I got to choose a gift. Guess what I chose?

Anybody who knows me will not be surprised that I chose a washing machine. One of my favorite entertainments at home is to sit in front of our washer to watch the clothes tumble. This washing machine comes with laundry soap, laundry basket and some clothes. It has a soap dispenser I can pull out and there are different buttons I can push. I can also manually turn the drum to see the clothes tumble inside. It can actually be battery operated and it has sounds and lights. I will need my mom's help with using batteries.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Getting to Know Me

It is not easy to get to know me for various reasons:

* You may be hesitant to approach me because I am different.

* When you do approach me, I may not respond. Generally, I am so distracted by what is happening around me that I have trouble focusing on what is being said to me.

* I have a limited vocabulary and I am not very motivated to use my words.

* I need a lot of time to process an incoming message. My mom always tries to get me to pay attention and to respond. Most people are very polite and kind. They tell my mom it is fine and that she does not have to insist that I respond. It is important for me to learn how to interact with others, so please help my mom in encouraging me to speak.

With the use of my blog and facebook, I am hoping that you will be able to get to know me more. With your help, I may one day learn to be more responsive when others communicate with me.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Since most 25-year-olds have a Facebook Account, I should have one too. Thanks to the help of a friend, this becomes a reality. I find it exciting that I can invite people to be my friends. I have lots of cousins, so it should not be too difficult to build a circle of friends.

I do not talk much, so it is not easy for others to get to know me. I am hoping that through the use of technology, such as facebook and blog, I can let others know who I am. I am generally an easy-going, happy kind of guy. I am also curious and sometimes my curiosity gets me into trouble. My mom often jokingly states that she should have named me George. You'd understand why if you have read the books of "Curious George". George gets into trouble all the time, and so do I. My mom has to be on the alert all the time and this is good "exercise" for her brain and it will help in delaying the onset of Alzheimer's Disease.

Christmas Songs

My mom's piano teacher decided that mom should learn Christmas songs this month. As a result, I get to hear the following songs over and over again:

* Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
* Good King Wenceslas
* Jingle Bells
* Away in a Manger
* Go, Tell it on the Mountain
* We Wish You a Merry Christmas
* Silent Night
* Amazing Grace - This song got added to the list because I have been singing it.

Christmas is the most exciting time of the year for me because of my love for Christmas music, trees and lights. As a matter of fact, I like Christmas songs so much that I used to have a tape in our van and I played it almost all year round. I can still remember that when I was listening to Christmas songs on one hot summer day in our van, a person passing by us stared at me.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


My mom read a story called Welcome to Holland. The author (Emily Perl Kingsley) described having a baby as planning a fabulous vacation trip to Italy. Having a child with disabilities is like landing in Holland instead of in Italy. So, my mom and I landed in Holland. Now I am beginning to understand why I am so attracted to windmills.

A decade after the author landed in Holland she wrote another story called Celebrating Holland. I agree with her a 100% on the following statement:

. . . . . it doesn't matter where you land. What's more important is what you make of your journey and how you see and enjoy the very special, the very lovely, things that Holland, or any land, has to offer.

I certainly enjoy the windmills.

To read the stories, you can click on the titles (in green).

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Temper Tantrum

So far I have only described the positive aspects of our trip. Now it is time to confess - I threw a temper tantrum one night . . . . .

We were out all day and I didn't get a chance to take a nap. When we returned to the ship, my mom asked me what I wanted to do. I said "eat." After supper, my response to her question was "show". My mom took me to the theater early so that she could find a front row seat for me on the balcony. I would sit and wait patiently (as seen in the photo) for the show to start.

That night we watched a magic show. There was some music, but no singing or dancing. After the show, I wanted more and refused to return to the cabin. Being stronger than my mom, she couldn't make me go inside. I ran in all different directions away from our cabin. Eventually, my mom got me inside the cabin. Then I took the opportunity of my mom's use of the bathroom to open the cabin door and dashed out. Grandma followed me immediately. It was a good thing I decided to plop to the floor half way down the corridor. This way my mom was able to see where I was when she came out to catch me.

After my mom tucked me in, I acted silly and giggled continuously for some time before I finally fell asleep. Agitation and silly giggles are my signs and symptoms of being tired. After a good night sleep, I was back to my happy self.

Hilo, Hawaii

Hilo, located on the east coast, is the capital of Hawaii Island. My mom rented a car so that we could visit the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. We drove along the Crater Rim Drive - an 11 mile circle around the Kilauea Caldera. We stopped at the various attractions along the road. It was neat walking through the Thurston Lava Tube - a 15-minute loop (the lighted section). We didn't venture into the unlighted area. You will need a flash light if you are interested in exploring the lava tube further.

We also visited the Rainbow Fall and went a little upstream to see the Boiling Pots. Before we returned to the ship, we stopped by a beautiful Japanese garden called LiLiuokalani Gardens.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Lahaina, Maui

Located on the northwest coast of Maui, Lahaina used to be the whaling capital of the mid-Pacific. The warm waters are haven for humpback whales. They come from Alaska to mate and bear their young off the coasts of Maui.

We took a free shuttle to the Whalers Village, Ka'anapali. The driver suggested visiting the Whalers Village Museum and taking a stroll along the beach walk which links the beaches and resort areas. My mom directed Grandma and Auntie to the museum, but she couldn't go because museums are of no interest to me. We never got to the broadwalk because I was attracted by Christmas music coming from a store called Maui Toy Works. I stayed in the store for over half an hour listening to the music. My mom tried to persuade me to leave the store. She succeeded a few times in getting me to step out of the store. But, I ran back in again and again.

The people at this store were wonderful. My mom appreciated their kindness and that they didn't make us feel unwelcome. I have been to stores where staff were impatient and sometimes even hostile. My mom has taught me well in keeping my hands down and not to touch anything in stores, so I am not a trouble maker. It upsets my mom when I am not treated with respect.

Na Pali Coast

The towering cliffs of the Na Pali Coast is a must to see. This area is located along the northwest coast of Kauai, which cannot be reached by land. The cruise ship went around the island in the afternoon making it possible to view the lush, spectacular scenery. My mom isn't very good at taking pictures. The coast is a lot prettier than what is shown in the photo. You can see it better by clicking on the photo.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Nawiliwili, Kauai

We had a day and a half in the Island of Kauai, known as the "Garden Isle". We rented a car and went sightseeing along the east and north coasts. We had lunch by the Kilauea light house as shown in the photo. Then we drove to the west of the island to visit the Waimea Canyon which is referred to as the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific".

Driving around in Hawaii presents a unique challenge to my mom. The names are difficult to pronounce, difficult to spell and extremely difficult to remember. My mom does not have a navigator to read the map for her, and she had trouble remembering her planned routes. We ended up going many extra miles to get to where we wanted to go.

After my mom drove quite a distance looking for the Waimea Canyon, she turned around thinking she might be heading the wrong direction. Then she found out that she was actually right in the first place. She had to turn around again. I loved it and said, "weeeee" a few times as the car zigzagged up and down the hills.

Our plan was to take free shuttles the next morning. We were thrilled when we saw a free trolley car similar to the one we took in Kona. We hopped on anticipating another enjoyable ride. This free shuttle reached its destination in about a minute and a half (instead of an hour and a half). What a disappointment! We returned to the pier and took the free shuttle to Walmart. This was a longer ride and I was happy with it.

You can check out the following sites if you are planning for a visit of the Island of Kauai:

Kauai Visitors Bureau
Discover Kauai

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Kona, Hawaii

Kona is on the west coast of Hawaii Island (nicknamed as the Big Island). It is famous for its gourmet coffee that is noted for its strong, rich character. Our stay at Kona was from 8 am. to 6 pm. Being a short day, my mom did not rent a car. We went ashore and hopped on a free shuttle to a store located a short distance from the pier. We had visited the same store in Kahului, so we lost interest quickly and returned to the pier.

We saw a trolley car labelled free shuttle. My mom checked it out to make sure it was free and that it would bring us back to the pier. We hopped on and then realized that the ride was going to be an hour and a half long. That suited us fine as we had to kill some time anyway.

This shuttle (Keauhou Shopping Trolley) runs all day long from 7:30 am. till 8 pm. You can hop on and off at the various stops. My mom didn't dare to be too adventurous since she has me with her. So, we did not get off the shuttle until we returned to the pier.

The following is the route and schedule of our ride:
11:45 am. Kailua Pier
11:55 am. Alii Gardens - This is a shopping mall.
12:00 pm. Magic Sands Beach
12:10 pm. Outrigger Keauhou Beach Resort
12:15 pm. Keauhou Shopping Centre
12:20 pm. Kona Country Club
12:25 pm. Keauhou Bay
12:30 pm. Sheraton Keauhou Bay Resort
12:35 pm. Kona Country Club
12:40 pm. Keauhou Shopping Centre
12:45 pm. Outrigger Keauhou Beach Resort
12:50 pm. Keauhou Shopping Centre
13:00 pm. Magic Sands Beach
13.05 pm. Alii Gardens
13:15 pm. Kailua Pier

The trolley car stops at the Kailua Pier at the following times: 7:30 am., 8:45 am., 10:15 am., 11:45 am., 13:15 pm., 14:45 pm., 16:15 pm., 17:45 pm., and 19:15 pm.

Kahului, Maui

We had 2 days in Kahului. Mom rented a car for one day and we visited Iao Valley State Park in the morning. The pointy mountain is called the Iao Needle (Elevation 2250 feet). Being in the valley, we were sheltered from the sun and the temperature was so comfortable there. It would have been nice to take a walk through the shaded trails. Not knowing how long the trail was and how far Grandma and I could walk, Mom decided not to walk too far in. She ran ahead and explored a short distance away from us and returned.

In the afternoon, mom drove along the Road to Hana - a narrow road with multiple one-lane bridges. I love the ride as we were continuously making turns and going up and down the hills. It would have been like going on a roller coaster ride if Mom drove faster. She was being good and tried to stay at the speed limit as much as she could.

The next day we took free shuttles to go shopping. We didn't really buy much. We just wanted to get out and move around a bit. I generally do not nap in the afternoon. However, while on a cruise, I needed a nap in the afternoon.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Honolulu, Oahu

We (Mom, Grandma, Auntie and myself) arrived Honolulu in the evening and we went directly to the pier to board the ship. It was a long day for us, so we went to bed right after supper.

We had the next day in Honolulu before the ship left for Maui at 6 pm. We toured the historic district on foot in the morning. On our way back to the pier, we noticed that the Aloha Tower Marketplace was within walking distance. Grandma and Auntie went shopping while Mom followed me around. There were lots of fans everywhere. I had fun going from one fan to another.

Whenever I was asked what I would like to do, my answer was one of the following: "eat", "show", "shopping".

Coming Home from Hawaii

I was waken up at 7 am. December 1 to get ready for disembarkation. My mom told me that we were going on an airplane to fly and to go home. I know the words "airplane", "fly" and "go home", so I could make sense of what she was telling me. I was excited about going on an airplane, so I did not feel sad leaving the ship.

I stayed awake the whole time during the trip home. My mom managed to get me to doze off for a few minutes two times. I did not sleep until I was tucked in at about 7 pm. December 2.

Please stay tuned as I will be writing about my cruise experience in further details.

Departure for Hawaii

On the day before we left for Hawaii, I watched my mom packed our suitcases. I began to realize what was going to happen when she told me about the ship, show and airplane.

As soon as I woke up in the morning of departure (November 21), I turned to my mom and said, "show". As we were getting ready to leave for the airport, I said to her, "shop". She didn't understand me. I said "shop" three times before she realized that I was saying, "ship". I still don't know how to pronounce "ship" correctly. I know how to say "shopping" for a long time, so "shop" is the closest I can get for now.