Saturday, December 8, 2007

Temper Tantrum

So far I have only described the positive aspects of our trip. Now it is time to confess - I threw a temper tantrum one night . . . . .

We were out all day and I didn't get a chance to take a nap. When we returned to the ship, my mom asked me what I wanted to do. I said "eat." After supper, my response to her question was "show". My mom took me to the theater early so that she could find a front row seat for me on the balcony. I would sit and wait patiently (as seen in the photo) for the show to start.

That night we watched a magic show. There was some music, but no singing or dancing. After the show, I wanted more and refused to return to the cabin. Being stronger than my mom, she couldn't make me go inside. I ran in all different directions away from our cabin. Eventually, my mom got me inside the cabin. Then I took the opportunity of my mom's use of the bathroom to open the cabin door and dashed out. Grandma followed me immediately. It was a good thing I decided to plop to the floor half way down the corridor. This way my mom was able to see where I was when she came out to catch me.

After my mom tucked me in, I acted silly and giggled continuously for some time before I finally fell asleep. Agitation and silly giggles are my signs and symptoms of being tired. After a good night sleep, I was back to my happy self.

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