Tuesday, December 29, 2009
My mom is glad that she is with me when this happens because she can take care of me. It would have been a big worry for her if I were in Edmonton while she is here in Vancouver to visit Emily and Peter. Since I am not able to tell her what bothers me, she has to count on her observations to assess how I am doing.
I have spiked a fever for the first two nights and I get cranky some of the time. Other than these, I appear to cope well with no evidence of pain or distress.
Despite the shingles, I am having a great time here because when I get tired of one activity, Peter and Emily come up with something different for me to do. Whenever I can articulate what I want clearly, I get my wish. The following are examples of what I have successfully asked for:
* "silent night" - This is my current favorite music.
* "bubble" - the Bomomo game.
* "trees" - Peter and Emily have a Sims game. Peter gives me a piece of land to build a forest. I have fun putting in Christmas trees, palm trees and many other different kinds of trees to fill up the entire lot.
* "bed" - I saw Peter furnishing homes with beds. When I ask for "bed", I get my turn to play with moving beds all over the place.
* "house" - Then I got interested in house designs creating funny looking structures. I am not as interested in beds any more because I have found speakers and stereo systems to move around.
* "windmill" - Peter created a game for me. I can make windmills spin when I say numbers. When I say "two", the windmill with 2 blades spins. Sometimes I ask for this game by saying a number. Generally, I say "two" or "six".
* "car" - Peter taught me a Wii car game. My favorite is the Moo Moo Meadow course because it has a windmill. So, when I say, "car" and "windmill", they know exactly what I want.
* "dinosaur" - This is a create a creature game. I have created a few unique creatures. Everybody laughs at the one with a big tummy, which looks like it is pregnant.
* "shopping" - I am not really interested in shopping. All I want to do is to look at fans, speakers and Christmas trees.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Broken Record
I must be honest and admit that I have not been in my best behaviors 100 percent of the time. Anyway, who can? Nobody is perfect! Generally, it is when I am hungry or tired that I get agitated. I have made Emily cry one time and my mom frustrated quite a few times, especially during the night. I wake her up and make her feel shivers down her spine when I poke my finger in her ear.
Other than the occasional rascal moments, I have been enjoying my time here in Vancouver with lots of new experiences, including tandem cycling, chocolate fondue, Wii fitness games, different computer games, etc. I am talking/vocalizing more because I can generally get what I wish for when I can express myself with words.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tandem Cycling
This morning the weather wasn't too bad and so my family took me outside. Before we left the apartment they showed me videos of tandem bicycles and tried to put a helmet on me. I wasn't too interested in the videos and wasn't keen on the helmet - I would let them put it on but would take it straight back off.
But when they walked into a bicycle shop I got very excited. I just wanted to grab one of the bikes and go! My family organised a tandem bicycle rental and we took it out on to the street. Now that I knew what was happening, I would tolerate the helmet. I just wanted to ride this bike! My sister and Mom were there to support me all the way through and they took these videos:
And just like any other type of ride, the corners were the best bit. On some of the bike paths you had to turn left or right and then get the bike between two poles. I'd yell out "wee!" as we went through. It was much more interesting than riding in a straight line. :)
I kept very good balance the whole time and we never had a problem. That's despite the large number of dogs we passed. Vancouver people like their dogs! When I'm up higher on a bike, the dogs don't worry me.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Chocolate Fondue
It is raining outside, so I suppose we won't be going out today. I guess I shouldn't complain because a big snowstorm (20 cm.) was predicted for last night. Yesterday, an advice was announced on radio for people to stock up some foods at home and not to go out, if possible. The snow isn't here yet.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Wii Balance Games
For the past few days, I have been having fun listening to music, playing Bomomo on the computer, and going out for walks or shopping. Emily and Peter showed me how to play some Wii balance games. I surprised everybody by how fast I learned the Table Tilt game and how well I am doing.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Finally, the day (yesterday) came for me to go to the airport and my face broken into a bright smile a few times during the flight. Our flight was delayed and we got to Vancouver later than scheduled. I was tired and was kind of stubborn. It took a while before I calm down and fell asleep.
As soon as I woke up this morning, I asked for music. Peter set up the computer to play music for me to enjoy all day long. When my mom offered to take me out shopping, I said, "no." I played Bomomo for a long time today. Whenever I need a new page for my creative designs, I said, "Mommy, help please." or "All done." My mom showed me how to click for a new page. I have not mastered the skills yet and continue to count on my mom's help.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Greyhound Bus
Their bus driver was a young fellow named Peter. "Great!" my mom thought to herself, "Peters are nice guys!" She asked Peter, "I want to ask you a question. You don't need to say "yes". Will you allow me to knit on your bus?" Guess what this friendly guy said? My mom promised him that she would not hold him hostage by using the knitting needles.
Vancouver is raining and has been raining for the last few days. Since Grandma and my mom come from sunny Alberta, they may be able to bring them some sunshine.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My mom told me she is going to Vancouver to see Emily and Peter. She is not sure if I can understand. Grandma and my mom leave tomorrow morning and will be back on November 9 by Greyhound bus. This is the first time my mom travels by Greyhound. Since this is going to be a long ride, she started a knitting project and this will keep her occupied. Initially, she bought several Chicken Soup for the Soul books for the road. However, she needs to take a camp bed and her laptop. So, she changed her mind about books because they are heavy.
The bruise on Grandma's face is now finally less noticeable. She fell a month ago and hit her forehead. Since she is taking Aspirin, which is a blood thinner, she developed a huge hematoma right away. As the blood drained down her face, she looked like a raccoon for many, many days. She warned my mom not to tell anybody and not to post her picture on the net.
Monday, October 12, 2009
There was another time. My mom was mopping the floor. She had a bucket of water in the kitchen. When she went out to the living room to do something, she saw me moved quickly along the hallway towards the kitchen. I could really run when I was up to mischief. By the time she caught up with me, I was already stuck inside the bucket.
My mom used to take me swimming weekly. Since I enjoyed it so much, she registered me for Special Olympics swimming. That was about 10 years ago and I participated for about one year only. Initially, my support workers went with me. Then, for some unknown reason, I started to become reluctant to go swimming. My mom had to come along to encourage me to participate. Often times, when I arrived at the place I stopped at the general office area instead of going to the change room. Some of you may be able to guess why I chose to linger there. They had a fan in the office! My mom would borrow their fan to get me to follow her to the change room. Gradually, I absolutely refused to get into my swimming trunk.
My mom felt sad that I lost interest in swimming, as it is important for me to be physically active. Due to my strong resistance, my mom decided not to force me to continue to attend the swimming program. From time to time efforts were made to take me to swim. However, whenever anybody tried to put a swimming trunk on me, I refused. It got to a point that I would refuse to put shorts on because I thought that was for swimming too. So, my mom backed off and waited for a few years before she tried again. I wouldn't even enter the building when she got me to the Jasper Place Recreation Centre. Then she tried a different pool. I went into the building, but I backed out as soon as I saw the pool inside.
When we went on the Alaska cruise, my mom got me into the pool once. After that, I wouldn't even get near the swimming pool deck. When I went to Disney World with Emily and Peter, they got me into the pool a couple of times. I was reluctant initially, but Peter managed to get me to dive under water to pick up pebbles from the bottom of the pool. My mom was so happy that I obviously enjoyed the experience.
Last week, my mom decided to take me swimming again with the help of a support worker. We got into the Jasper Place Recreation Centre with no problem because I have been going to the exercise room in that facility. When my mom and the support worker got me into the change room, I hang onto my pants so that they could not put the swimming trunk on me. With gentle persuasion, my mom managed to get me to cooperate. The water in the pool was nice and warm.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I kept asking my mom to light the candle while she was busy with cooking supper. She told me to wait till after supper. Oh boy, that was really tough. I was so antsy that it was not funny at all.
Finally the time came for me to watch the candle being lit and then I was allowed to blow it out. My mom knew I want to blow out the candle by myself. She does not trust that I can do so "safely", i.e. blowing it out without contaminating the whole cake. When I was ready to blow, she took the cupcake off the big cake and placed it in front of me. I blew and clapped. Job done and I am happy! I don't even want to eat the cake. In my opinion, the sole purpose of the birthday cake is to hold the candles.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Free Potatoes
By the time we got close to the site, there was a long, long line up of cars ahead of us. We inched forward at snail speed. It was a beautiful sunny day and my mom told me she would have taken me out to walk along the road side if she wasn't driving. Grandma got out of our van to walk a bit and she picked up some potatoes from the fields. It took us over two hours to get to the place. By that time, all the potatoes were gone. My mom was disappointed, not because there wasn't any potatoes, but because there wasn't anywhere we could get out to move around for some physical activity. My mom found out from the news that there were over a thousand vehicles crawling along the highway in pursuit of potatoes that day.
Potatoes or no potatoes . . . . . I don't care. I had a good time!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
It rains today, perhaps to my delight, because I don't have to go out on my bike. My mom decides this is the perfect day to expose me to the new experience of Bomomo. I am fascinated by the colors and the movements. I definitely prefer the movements of going in circles to going in straight lines. I just love the spinning movements and, from time to time, I verbalize "turn" and "dum-dum-gin".
I play for over half an hour and my mom wants me to go home because she has work to do. I refuse to leave and she let me play some more before guiding me downstairs, which I comply reluctantly.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Hair Cut
I am sure you cannot imagine what a kerfuffle it used to be when I got my hair cut. Firstly, my mom put a fan right in front of me so that I was willing to sit there. My mom had to do the job really quick, as I won't sit still and I ducked constantly. When I started to get restless, she would light a candle and placed it on the floor to my left. When I turned my head to my left and looked down at the candle, she cut the hair on my right side. Then a candle was lit and placed on the floor to my right. The very last resort was a lantern to keep me entertained till the job is done.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Indian Summer
Upon our return, I got off the bike and ran towards the garage side door. I wanted to visit with my mom some more before returning to my home. I couldn't get in because the door was locked. I turned to my mom and pointed to the garage door. My mom said, "You can open it. You know how to open it." I walked back and forth in circles between the garage door and my mom at least half a dozen times. My mom just sat there and waited patiently. Eventually, I figured out the solution. I went to the bike's basket to reach for the remote control.
My mom took me out again after supper. She gave me a pile of Emily's thank you cards to mail. With the mails in my hand, I knew my assigned task. After I dropped the thank you cards in the mailbox, my mom proceeded to take me for a walk in the park. However, I kept wanting to cross the road towards our home. Again, my mom allowed me to make choices. With the exception of stopping me from jay-walking, she followed my lead. I walked past my own home and headed straight to my mom's door. I am so happy my mom let me in. I indicated I wanted to watch TV and she put on the Lawrence Welk show for me.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
My mom has been taking me out on my buddy bike almost daily. She always has a bowl of ice cream on raspberries waiting for me. That is the only reason I am willing to go on the bike with her.
Today, as we turned the street corner to near the vicinity of the dog statue, I said, "Dog". I feel pretty safe because I have figured out that the dog does not move. My mom is happy that I talk to her. When I saw a windmill, I said, "Windmill". There is a water fountain in somebody's front yard. I stopped and watched it. My mom asked me, "What do you see?" I replied, "Water".
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Making Choices
My mom got me to sit on the bike and then she gave me the raspberries and ice cream. She waited till I finished my snack before she peddled us out of the parking lot. Powered by the ice cream, I started to peddle as well. We were going so fast that my mom stopped peddling.
We passed by a house where there was a dog statue sitting on the front lawn. I stared at the dog and I wondered why it did not move. I kept turning my head around to see if it came after us. Noticing that I was intrigued by it, my mom took me back to the spot and let me look at it again. I stayed there for the longest time staring at it. I am really puzzled by this motionless creature.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tragic Loss
Starting from tonight, my mom will adhere to her doctor's advice and take a prescribed medication that promotes restorative sleep. She need some good sleep/rest in order to be more functional and productive.
Emily and Peter will be coming home Friday morning. My mom is looking forward to seeing them. This definitely gives her morale a boost. She started her cooking frenzy already. Yesterday she did some baking. Today she shopped for ingredients to make wonton. Stuffed chicken wings will be on this weekend's menu.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Doctor's appointment
Dental Appointment
I will not allow my teeth to be brushed properly and I have not had my teeth examined or cleaned for a few years. So, my mom would really like to have it done. She obtained a prescription from my doctor for a sleeping pill. She delayed my bedtime the night before. I was waken up early in the morning to help in making me tired in the afternoon. I was given the sleeping pill after I return home from my volunteering. My mom put me to bed in our van. I fell asleep almost instantly. When I started to snore loudly, my mom drove me to the dental office. I woke up when she turned the ignition off.
I could recognize the place and I immediately switched to a high alert mode. My mom tried very hard to coax me back to sleep, but I didn't feel safe to doze off. When it was time for my appointment, my mom used a wheelchair to wheel me in even though she didn't have any confidence that I would allow my teeth to be cleaned. I saw many familiar faces at the office - family and friends. That helped me to calm down a bit. My cousin (the dentist) came in and sat right next to me. While we were waiting in the parking lot, my mom explained to me that my cousin would be brushing my teeth for me. I started to make sense of what my mom was telling me.
When my mom told me to open my mouth for my cousin, I comply. Other than wiggling away from time to time, I allowed my cousin to clean my teeth. My mom helped in keeping my mouth open and she spoke to me calmly and praised me the whole time. My cousin managed to clean the front of both my upper and lower teeth. They didn't want to push their luck too much and decided not to do the entire job in one sitting. I will have to go back another time. May be or may be not. My cousin noticed that I have a wisdom tooth coming out and there is not enough room for it. I may have to go under anesthetic to get the wisdom tooth pulled out. In such case, any other dental work that needs to be done can be taken care of at the same time.
Monday, August 3, 2009
My Favorite Cousin's Wedding Day
After my mom tucked me in for the night, I continued to chuckle. I sat up a few times and said to my mom, "Mommy . . ." I wanted to talk to her, but didn't know how to express myself. My mom figured that I must have wanted to tell her how happy I was. Every time my mom tucked me in again, she repeated my bedtime prayer to send me a strong signal for sleep. I finally dozed off at around 1:30 am.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Emily's Wedding Day


Edmonton was hit by a thunderstorm the next evening and apparently there was a tornado warning. It hailed in some parts of the city and the power was out temporarily for many homes. We heard from the news that some big trees were uprooted and there were damages to buildings, e.g. the front entrance of CN tower collapsed. Aren't we glad this didn't happen on Emily's wedding day!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Oncology Follow-up Appointment
Again, the weather was great for my second Walk for Jesus on Sunday with my other friend. Supports continue to come in and I have now raised a total of $6,120. We walked down the River Valley Trail to the bank of the Saskatchewan River. There were so many canoes on the river that attracted me to lean on the fence to watch them glide downstream. My mom wishes she could take me on a canoe too as a new experience for me.
This week our weather resembles that of Vancouver. It is nice for our lawn to get a good soaking. We just hope that the rain is not here to stay for too long. My mom has been checking the weather forecast regularly. Yesterday, her spirit dampens when she saw that rain is in the forecast for Emily's wedding day. She told Grandma to help in praying for good weather on Emily and Peter's big day. This morning, she is relieved that the rain prediction has disappear.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Walk for Jesus
I walk with two of my friends last Sunday and will walk with the other friend this coming Sunday. My mom feels that since I have been so well supported by my family and friends that I should walk more to be worthy of their love.
Last Sunday morning, the rain dampened my mom's spirit a bit. She was happy that by the afternoon when we went for the Walk, the sun was out. The weather was really nice for the walk. We walked for an hour from my friend's home to a park and back. The park was not that far away. It took that long because I walked so slowly. We also stopped now and then to take pictures.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
What Is Good Music?
I think everybody knows how much I like music. Listening to good music, or even playing music on the piano, are some of my favourite things to do. Take me shopping and I'll dance into any store... so long as it has some good music. But what is good music?
My family and friends sometimes try out different music with me. I know my own tastes, but I still need help finding music that I like. For example, I was visiting Pastor Mike's home and he put on some European band for me. No-one in my family knows the name of the band, but who cares? I had a great time and spent the whole night dancing. Pastor Mike even joined in with me for a bit! :)
On the other hand, Peter recently gave me his iPod to listen to. He says it was Snow Patrol, but I think it was terrible. Whatever he gave me, there was no bass, no beat, just some guy squealing away. I took out the earbuds, looked at Peter and clearly said "Music". I'm sorry, but Snow Patrol just isn't music. :P I think he got the hint, because he gave me some U2 after that. :)
P.S. Pastor Mike has this massage chair. I tried it once because everyone wanted me to, but it was so ticklish I just jumped back out again. I went back on my own for a second go (yeah, you have to try these things). It was no different the second time though - that thing is really weird.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Family Reunion
This has been a busy weekend for Emily and Peter. They have accomplished a lot in terms of finalizing their wedding preparations. I went shopping with them and I am all set for my best man outfit.
The Walk for Jesus event is fast approaching - a week from today. I have now raised $5,680 (95% of my $6,000 goal). I would like to thank all my supporters for their donations and prayer support. Their generosity has enabled me to contribute to God's kingdom.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Stanley Park
Peter has offered a few times to take my mom on a tandem bike (front and back seats) to go around the Seawall. My mom does not know how to ride a bike, so she didn't think it would be possible to ride without falling and breaking her bones. Yesterday, Peter proposed to rent a tandem bike again. He was very confident that it would work out fine. My mom was not sure about it at all. At the bike rental store, she looked at the bike and became nervous. Being a risk taker, she decided to give it a try despite having visions of bruises and scraped knees. My mom has wanted to learn how to ride a bike for some time. She even bought protection gears (knee and elbow pads) back home. She wished she had them with her.
Off they went to Stanley Park - Peter and mom on the tandem bike and Emily on her beautiful green bike. My mom hanged onto the handle tightly for her dear life. She didn't really pedaled because she was afraid of going too fast. By the time they reached their first stop, my mom's palms were all red from the pressure of her grip. Gradually, she started to gain some confidence and began to relax. It was an enjoyable ride and she got home in one piece.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
There are a couple of things that are out of the ordinary for my mom. Firstly, she has watched two movies. To illustrate how unusual it is, I will tell you the average number of movies she went to in a decade - two. She has done a lot more walking than usual and she enjoys it. She has walked to Chinatown (about 3.5 km. one way) to do grocery shopping. She has heard of English Bay many times and now she knows how to get there. Peter's apartment is only a block from Stanley Park. It will be a shame not to take advantage of it to go for a walk in the park. This is something she plans to do before coming home.
My mom's back is still troublesome. On good days, it does not bother her until the evening. There are days that she has to start lying down in the afternoon.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Saying Farewell
The last few days went by really fast and my mom already starts to lament that she will soon be heading home (June 12). She loves Emily and Peter and she always feels sad when it is time to say goodbye to them. She loves me too and she misses me while in Vancouver. It will be nice when all of us can be together. That is going to happen from June 18 to 21 because Emily and Peter comes home to Edmonton for a short visit.
My mom came across the following today:
"Life is a long series of farewells. . . . ." It is true! We always seem to be saying farewell to someone or something. Letting-go skills are high on the scale of life skills."
Monday, May 25, 2009
Reluctantly, my mom decides not to take me with her on this trip because she cannot manage caring for me 24 hours a day. This has taken away much of her joy as she struggles with making up her mind. On her bad days, she knows it is wise not to take me. On good days, she becomes optimistic and hopeful that she can manage my care. Since I don't know what is going on, it does not bother me at all. So it appears anyway. It is difficult for others to know how I am affected when my family goes away without me.
My fundraising is expected to slow down for the next couple of weeks during my mom's absence. I have done remarkably well so far and raised $5,320, which is 88.5% of my new goal ($6,000).
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Mow Lawn
A couple of years ago, my mom bought a hand mower for me to use. She tried to teach me how to mow the lawn, but I was more interested in pushing it round and round in the parking lot. Let me tell you why. It is much easier pushing it on land than on grass. This year, I must have gotten stronger because I don't mind pushing it on the grass any more. Or, I have gained a better understanding of what the lawn mower is supposed to be for. I stop when I get to the edge of the lawn. My mom shows me how to turn it around to go over another section of the lawn. I have trouble going in a straight line, but that does not matter. I just criss-cross all over the lawn with my mom directing me to areas I have missed. She also helps with the hard-to-reach areas.
I have done such a good job that I get rewarded with ice cream on strawberries. I want the ice cream, but my mom wants me to have the strawberries. After she hands me a bowl of strawberries, I said to her, "ice cream." My mom sure makes me work for my ice cream. With the help of her signs, I said, "I want ice cream please."
Friday, May 15, 2009
Record Breaking
With the help with my mom's signing, I can say "I walk for Jesus" now. I raised $4,780 at my last participation of the Walk for Jesus event. This year I aim at breaking my own record. I have successfully broke my record two days ago by raising $4,940. The Walk is scheduled for June 28, so I still have 6 more weeks to raise funds. I decide to increase my goal to $6,000. Please continue to pray for me and the success of the event.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
Tomorrow morning, my mom will make an appointment to see her doctor. She needs to get better soon because she will be taking me and Grandma to Vancouver on May 28 to visit Emily and Peter.
I did not reach my goal today as expected. Nonetheless, I have done well and raised $4,690 (98% of my goal) in 2 1/2 weeks. I only need another $90 to break my own record. I have learned to say "Jesus". When my mom says, "Walk for . . . ", I join in and say, ". . . Jesus".
Friday, May 8, 2009
Back Pain
Yesterday, my mom's back was so sore that she had to go to bed. She figured it was triggered by fixing the kitchen cabinet door hinges. Half way through the job, she decided to quit to give her back a break and finished the job the next day. She rested a lot today and started to feel better.
The lock to the courtyard was not working properly and the door could not be opened. Since this is a safety issue, she decided to fix it right away. She is not a locksmith. Every time she replaces a lock, she has to screw and unscrew many times before she gets it right. Repetitive movements are challenging for her. At the best of times, this task can trigger pain.
I got curious about what she was doing and I offered my assistance by grabbing the screw driver. With hand over hand assistance, I did some of the screwing for her. It is good that I can help, even if it is only in small ways.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
O Canada
This morning, my mom took me to see our family doctor for a prescription renewal. I recognized the place and I refused to get out of the van. It took my mom a long time to persuade me to get off and to go inside. I am not as frightened of seeing the doctor as I used to. I was hesitant, but my mom did not need to drag me into the examination room.
I have now raised over $4,500 and reached 95% of my goal. There is a good chance I will reach my goal by the end of this week. I will have to raise my goal soon. Thank you so much for your love and support of me!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Walk for Jesus update - I have raised over $3,500. Thank you again for your love, prayer support and generous donations!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Chinese Outreach Ministries
It certainly does not help to contract the flu in the midst of multiple responsibilities. In addition to knocking her out for days, the flu has triggered her asthma. Her energy level remains low and she feels exhausted by late afternoon. One evening while being lethargic, she was not motivated to do much. She sat in front of the computer and visited several websites including the Chinese Outreach, CIAM Radio and a few other sites. She came across the CIAM birth story and was very much encouraged by it. God is faithful and He answers prayers.
Last Friday, my mom went to a computer store to purchase the components for building a server for internet broadcasting. One of the components was back ordered and would take two weeks or longer to arrive. My mom placed the order without realizing that the person who can build the server will be away in May. We need all the components this week. My mom prayed, but her faith was smaller than a mustard seed. Indeed God is faithful and He answers prayers. The back ordered part arrived this morning. Instead of two weeks, it only took two working days!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Disabilities vs Capacities
When the focus is on my disabilities, expectations on me becomes low. This can be a barrier for me to learn new skills. My mom encourages me to take responsibilities and to help with various chores. For example, my mom got me to help her with peeling garlic. I dropped garlic peels all over the floor. She told me to pick them up. I quit after I picked up the bigger pieces. She prompted me to continue with picking up the smaller pieces. I have trouble with picking them up because my fine motor skill is not good. I walked over to the kitchen to look around, but could not find what I was looking for. My mom knew I was looking for the broom, but she pretended she didn't know. She was happy that I was trying to problem-solve. She wanted me to use my brain so she didn't jump in and help immediately. My mom urged me to pick up the rest of the garlic peels. I went back to the kitchen again and opened the cupboard underneath the sink. Not there! Eventually my mom suggested that I could go to the washer and dryer to look. I know where the washer and dryer are because they spin and I love them. I found the broom and dustpan near the washer. I proceeded to sweep up the garlic peels and finished the job well with my mom's help.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
My Appreciation
The Walk for Jesus event is scheduled for June 28 (Sunday) at 3 pm. My mom decided to hold the event in a mall because there will be other special needs individuals joining me in this meaningful activity. It is easier for families to manage in an indoor environment because we will not need to worry about the weather.
Walk for Jesus
I am a very successful fundraiser. My very first experience was participating in the Canadian Liver Foundation Stroll for Liver event two years ago. With my mom's support, I was the #1 top individual fundraiser of the event nationally. My mom was so encouraged by my success that she created the First Walk for Jesus event to fundraise for Chinese Outreach and I raised $4,780. This year my goal to break my own record. I need your prayer support for the success of this event. Thank you!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
My Contributions
I am devalued when others view people with disabilities as burden to society. My mom knows this is not right, and yet she finds herself trapped in this inappropriate negativity. She is very thankful that Emily and Peter care so much about me, but is also concerned about me being a burden for them.
It is important for others to keep in mind that I am able to contribute in different ways. I can help people around me to become more loving, caring, patient and compassionate. My mom is proud of her problem solving skills. Little does she know that I am the one who trains her over the years to become who she is today. Caring for me enhances her critical thinking and creativity.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Wedding Bells
Both Emily and Peter want to involve me in their wedding ceremony and they desire for me to have an important role - I am going to be the best man! I am blessed that my family believes in me. By giving me the opportunity to take on new responsibilities, it allows me to contribute in meaningful ways.
Whenever we get a chance to be together, Peter makes special efforts to spend time with me and to get to know me. I used to shy away from him, but not any more. I feel very comfortable around him and I know I can trust him.
My mom, Emily and Peter are all sick with flu symptoms. On Sunday morning, I put my hand over my forehead and said, "Hot, hot." My mom was all excited that I could communicate my discomforts. She took my temperature which turned out to be normal. My mom asked me if I have pain. I imitated what she said - "tung-tung". She then asked me where it hurts. I touched my forehead. My mom hopes that I won't get sick.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Making Choices
Saturday nights are my sleep over nights at my mom's home. With movie on her mind, she put on the Sound of Music for me to watch before I went to bed. As soon as I saw Julie Andrews' picture on the cover of the DVD, I said, "Do-Re-Mi". She was really surprised that I already knew what I was about to watch.
I do know a lot more than what I have been given credit for. When others are not cognizant of my capacity and abilities, it is easy for them to set low expectations for me. This becomes a barrier for me to reach my potentials. Very often, I am not allowed to make choices I am capable of. Everything is decided for me for "my own good". I would like you to know that I want to be given the opportunities to make some choices in my life. This is how I will learn and grow.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My mom has been totally stressed out as she knows it is difficult to recover funds for previous years. She is very thankful that the financial clerk at PDD has been very kind and patient. This has certainly helped her in coping with the situation. PDD's decision is not to release funds at this time. My mom has to come up with her own money to cover for the shortages of the March payroll. It is unknown at this time how many thousand dollars she needs. She will meet with PDD in May to resolve the problem. My mom will need to celebrate when this real life nightmare is over.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sleepless Night
My mom was working on the Beraka Residence book-keeping last night. She was so behind in her work that she was relieved when I fell asleep. She was able to balance the books for the budget year 2006, but was shocked to see a hefty deficit for budget year 2007. She was really stressed out and was trying to figure out what went wrong.
I woke up at about 1 am. and wanted to watch the Teacup video. My mom tried to coax me back to sleep while she anxiously reviewed the 2007 invoices and funds received. With my distraction, she couldn't concentrate. So, she gave up at 2 am. and turned the computer and light off.
I stayed awake all night long. Sometimes I laughed out loud while other times I got very agitated. Since my mom was right beside me, she calmed me down whenever I was upset. We got up at 7 am. and, for a change, we were at church really early this morning.
On our way home from church, I started to doze off. It is extremely unusual for me to fall asleep in the car, even when my mom takes me on long driving trips. One time, my mom drove to New York. The whole trip was 12,000 km. and I fell asleep twice during that trip for a total of less than 15 minutes. Today, I slept so soundly that I snored. When we arrived home, my mom didn't have the heart to wake me up. She covered me up with a few afghans and let me sleep longer. After lunch, she put me to bed hoping that I would take a nap. No luck! She came over to my room shortly after 9 pm. to check up on me. I was already half asleep and I went "unconscious" before she left my room. :)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Grandma's Travel Plan
Grandma gets tired easily and needs to increase her physical activities. However, Grandma cannot go out much as it has been very cold and the sidewalks are slippery. Today, she took advantage of the nice weather (9 C) to go out for a walk. Visiting Vancouver will give her the opportunity to go out for walks more. This is also a good time to visit because of the cherry blossoms. Grandma has wanted to see them for some time and her dream can come true this year.
Monday, March 9, 2009
* working with the new service provider during the transition. A week after working with one manager, a change of caseload brings us another new manager. This places more demand on my mom's time and energy.
* facilitating a smooth transition and being supportive to our team of staff
* catching up with the administrative work that has piled up on her
* responding to the government's request for a financial review. She has to wrap up the financial records anyway, so it works out well even though the time pressure adds to her stress. Grandma's illness and the many things that happen in my mom's life necessitated postponing the deadline a few times. The financial records are now ready for submission.
My mom has trouble sleeping many nights because of the budget deficit for February. There are surpluses from previous months to cover for the shortfall, but due to her mistrust of the "system", she worries that the funds may not be readily available for the staff's pay cheques. It is too complex for me to explain the situation. She is hoping that it will all work out in the end and that the staff will get paid on time. She has been reassured that funds will be released to cover the deficit after the families submit their February invoices.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tonight my mom teaches me how to play Collapse. I just go click, click, click. That is easy enough to do. I have learned to click the bombs too. I have a short attention span, so either my eyes drift off the computer screen or I stop clicking. I am sure you can guess what happens - Game Over.
Nonetheless, I am getting better and better at it. Initially I kept clicking the same spot even when it did not produce any effect. Now I move the cursor around and click. My mom gives me verbal prompts, such as click the bomb, click the red blocks. She does not know if I understand color concepts or not. She figures that there is no harm teaching me colors at the same time.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Service Provider
Maybe my mom will be able to have a life again. I am looking forward to spending time with a less stressed mom. It is time to start dreaming and if I dream hard enough, my dreams will come true. It will be nice to go to Disney again. Cruise will be nice too.
When I visited my mom this afternoon, I asked for the "car". My mom set up the Wii game and the steering wheel with base for me. After a while I got frustrated with the steering wheel. My mom gave me the black steering wheel I used to play with. I was definitely happier with it.
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Worst is Over
I have been waiting "impatiently" for either Emily or Peter to announce their wedding plans because I don't want to be the first one to publicize it. I am so glad Emily finally did. Now, I can talk about it too. I am going to be a good brother and help her in any way I can. I have offered to do some pick ups for her on her wedding day. As you know, microphones and speakers are my favorites. I will love to pick up the sound system for her.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
As grocery prices go up, our freezer becomes fairly empty. My mom capitalizes on this week's meat sale to stock up. After tucking me in, she went downstairs to cut up and package the meat. She came upstairs to check on me periodically. Every time she came up, I was sitting in front of her laptop. I know how to turn on computers, but I have not figured out how to turn on the laptop yet. I sat staring at the laptop hoping that it would come on automatically.
My mom finally finished her task by around midnight. I asked her very nicely for "teacup", so she turned the video on for me before she went to brush her teeth. When she came back, I was viewing the video on a full screen. She was surprised because she didn't know this could be done. It took her a while to figure out how I did it.
The video showed that at one point, I laughed so much that I almost drooled. When I watched that part, I started to swallow.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Stretched to the Limits
Despite her lack of time and energy, she continues to take me home for visits. She gives me crayons to color or pen and paper to draw. She also puts on the Sound of Music songs for me. The song I enjoy the most is Do-Re-Mi. One day when my mom asked me if I wanted to listen to Do-Re-Mi, I said, "Fa". Today, when she "sang" (I use the quotation marks because her singing is terrible!) Do-Re-Mi-Fa, I said, "So". I started to sing along and when the songs goes like this ". . . I must have done something . . .", I join in and sing, "good".
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Comfort Foods
In the afternoon, she heads outside to remove the packed ice on the parking lot as a strategy to suppress her urge for comfort foods. This also gives her an hour or two of needed exercise. The activity gives her the added bonus of stress relief.
When I come home from my volunteer job and see my mom attacking the ice with vengeance, I offer my help. My contribution doesn't lie in how much I do. To be honest with you, I really don't know how to do the job. I have a support worker who is willing to take the time to teach me. With his help, we have cleared a section of the parking lot for safe passenger loading.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Radiation Burn
It rained a few days ago and our parking lot is very slippery. My mom has been going out daily to work on breaking off big slabs of ice. She can only do some each day because she will be in too much pain if she does too much. She managed to remove all of the ice in front of the garage so that there is at least a safe area for loading and unloading passengers.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Super Paper Mario
Last evening, my mom took me along to drop Emily off at the airport. When I saw the luggage going out to the van, I smiled and said, "tea cup". I honestly thought I was going to Disney again. When Emily said goodbye to me, I turned to my mom and waved goodbye to her.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Peter's Blog
Emily enjoyed the Splash Mountain ride and would like me to give it a try. After I got frightened by a few fast and scary rides, Emily, Peter and my mom started to show me the rides (if possible) and they allowed me to decide whether I wanted to go on the ride or not. They took me to a spot where I could see the boat dropped rapidly downstream causing the water to splash. I said no to the ride and they asked me a couple more times to make sure I really meant no. My decision was clearly expressed. They turned me around to look at another section of the same ride. After watching the boats meander slowly forward, I agreed to go on the ride. Emily got excited about my change of mind. Peter is indeed a true friend. He would not allow anyone to cheat me. He turned me around to show me the dropping boat again. I said no and my wish was respected.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Fond Memories
Emily is now in Edmonton visiting us for one week. Tonight is my sleep-over night in her room. My mom put on some Christmas music for me and I am giggling as I listen to the familiar songs.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Sound of Music
Grandma has finished her last radiation treatment on Monday. She hasn't experienced any side effect so far. My mom continues to watch her skin for radiation burn. The doctor told them that the effects of radiation will peak in about 10 days after the end of treatments. Her follow-up appointment will be on July 6. She will have a mammogram done two weeks prior to seeing the doctor.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Radiation Treatments
Grandma has also tolerated the Tamoxifen well. She will need to take this medication for five years.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Flying Home
We went on the standby list for the morning flight to Chicago so that we could catch our connection flight back to Edmonton. Unfortunately, there was only one seat available. One passenger was very kind and offered her seat to us so that we could catch the flight. However, the United Airline staff told us that it was not allowed. They booked us for the 3:17 pm. flight to Chicago and the 10:30 am. flight to Edmonton. They suggested that we could standby for the 8:00 pm. flight to Edmonton.
Thank God Emily was able to get me a wheelchair making it easier for my mom to manage the next 8 hours at the airport. There are two shuttles connecting the terminal to Gates #1 - 29 and Gates #30 - 49. My mom took me on these two shuttles back and forth to kill time. Every time, she took me onto the first car and placed me directly facing the front window. I loved it and made "wee" and "ooo" sounds. One time, the lady standing next to me chuckled because of my obvious joy. She said, "another Disney ride!" Whenever we were off the shuttle for a while, I would make a request for "toot-toot train".
We were not as lucky at the Chicago airport. There was no wheelchair upon our arrival. My mom tried to get a staff member to help, but she said that was not her job and left. A passenger was very kind and he went to another gate and asked the staff there to call for a wheelchair for me. In the meantime, a dog showed up right next to me. I started to dash off as my mom tried her best to hang onto me. Eventually, the wheelchair arrived and we were taken to the other end of the terminal. We were not allowed to keep the wheelchair. By that time, I was impatient and I didn't want to sit still. My mom took me to walk around, with our belongings in tow. We came across another dog. My mom spotted it right away and directed me toward a different direction. I saw it too, but since my mom was already leading me to the opposite direction, I was able to stay calm.
There was a MacDonald at the airport. My mom bought me some foods there and that kept me contented for a while. My mom was relieved that I was willing to sit with her while waiting to board the 8:00 pm. flight. We arrived home late in the evening. I went to bed at around midnight (2 am. Orlando time). It was a long day for us. What amazes my mom was that even though I didn't have enough sleep the night before, I stayed awake the whole day.
Last Day at Disney
Time flies especially when one is having a good time. I have a great time at the Magic Kingdom Park enjoying my favorite rides over and over again. My folks allow me to choose my rides and the directions I want to go. From time to time, they take me to different rides to offer me new experiences. I get nervous going on unfamiliar rides. They make joyful sounds such as "wee" and "ooo" to illustrate their pleasure in order to help me to relax.
Sunday was our last day at Disney. We were going to head home early so that we could swim at the hotel. I went into the pool twice on this trip. My mom considered it to be remarkable because, for many years, I have refused to go swimming. With the encouragement of Emily and Peter, I was not afraid of submerging myself into the water to pick up pebbles at the bottom of the pool.
We got out of the park and I clearly indicated that I wanted more rides by articulating "tea cup" and pointing toward the park. I am very fortunate that my folks value my opinion and wishes. We returned to the park to go on the rides I desired for.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I used to love roller coaster rides, but not any more. I have become very nervous about them. The park I enjoy the most is the Magic Kingdom because it has many rides I like. My favorite ride is the spinning tea cup. The rides I will ask to go on include Dumbo, Carousel, Speedway (racecar), Orbiter (spaceship), and Small World. Peter took pictures of me on these rides.
Another highlight of this trip is learning how to use a camera. To ask for my camera, I place my fingers in front of my face as if I am taking a picture and say "cheese". My mom is teaching me how to say "camera".
I am all ready to go to the Park. We will depart as soon as Emily and Peter can get out of bed.